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  1. Feb 18, 2016
    • Alessandro Di Federico's avatar
      Improve the fake crypto layer for better testing · 64d8702f
      Alessandro Di Federico authored
      * Implement very basic hashing scheme for the fake crypto layer. We need
        this to avoid having duplicate keys in the database (in particular, in
        the WoT).
      * Introduce `Snake.Crypto.Common.compareHashes` for easier testing
        purposes with the fake crypto backend.
      * Fix the WoT tests to work properly with the fake crypto backend.
      * Prevent duplicate keys in the local network backend.
    • Fabrizio Ferrai's avatar
      Fix #6: implement Web of Trust · e41ae4d7
      Fabrizio Ferrai authored
      * Add a model for the Web of Trust entries
      * Add insertion of Web of Trust entries on friendship
      * Implement friendship using the Web of Trust
      * Implement test for the friendship using Web of Trust
  2. Jan 11, 2016
  3. Nov 28, 2015
  4. Nov 23, 2015
    • Fabrizio Ferrai's avatar
      Fix #12: integrate friendship and groups · bff012b2
      Fabrizio Ferrai authored
      * In detail: now when a friendship is made, the friend is added to our
        default group (which will contain all and only our friends).
      * Refactorize the group creation: now is done by the method setupNew of
        the Snake.Model.Group instance, instead of replicating the code every
        time; this also provides UI decoupling.
      * Add tests for groups
      * Implement option passing to the model when creating collections.
      * Implement more generic testing functions
  5. Nov 20, 2015
    • Alessandro Di Federico's avatar
      Fix group management not using addresses · f4f8664d
      Alessandro Di Federico authored
      * Reintroduce the `isMyDuty` approach to detect which class is
        responsible for a certain incoming object
      * Let users of `Snake.Model.Group` specify how many messages they want
        to fetch
      * Let message fetch in `Snake.Model.Group` depend on `address`
        availability, not on `id`
      * Properly detect whether an incoming "message" is a
        `Snake.Model.Message` or a `Snake.Model.Post` depending on the
        associated address
      * Add `address` to the `group-joined` message
    • Alessandro Di Federico's avatar
      Make non-critical failures on object parsing · 38466506
      Alessandro Di Federico authored
      * Emit a warning in case of failure
      * Make `Snake.Model.SessionUser.processNewMessages` return the new
        messages, mainly for easier testing
      * Let the login fail in case we weren't able to decrypt the user
    • Alessandro Di Federico's avatar
      Lock WebCrypto API importKey+operation together · 9002c326
      Alessandro Di Federico authored
      This commit is a workaround for a bug in the WebCrypto API
      implementation of Firefox.
      * Introduce the `locked` function, which wraps in a `PromiseQueue` an
        arbitrary function definition
      * Wrap all the functions in `Snake.Crypto.Common` using `importKey` in
    • Alessandro Di Federico's avatar
      Test: send and receive 1-to-1 messages · cb0c4327
      Alessandro Di Federico authored
      * Implement tests
      * Fix a bug in the testing network layer
  6. Nov 17, 2015
  7. Nov 11, 2015
  8. Sep 01, 2015
  9. Apr 28, 2015
  10. Apr 27, 2015
  11. Apr 26, 2015
  12. Apr 24, 2015