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Commit 31151436 authored by Alessandro Di Federico's avatar Alessandro Di Federico
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Introduce support for dynamic binaries

This commit introduces support for dynamic programs. The current
implementation translate the main binary and uses native libraries. This
works only if the target architecture is the same as the source
one. Currently we only handle x86-64.

* The `ExternalJumpsHandler` class has been introduced. It basically
  takes care of extending the dispatcher handling the case in which the
  program counter is an address outside the range of executable
  addresses of the input program. In this case, a `setjmp` is perfomed,
  the CPU state is serialized to physical registers and jump to the
  value of the program counter is performed.

  Once the target code will try to return to the translated program, a
  segmentation fault will be triggered, a `longjmp` is performed and the
  CPU state is deserialized so that the execution can resume (from the

* `early-linked.c` has been introduced. Its purposes is to provide
  declarations of variables and functions defined in `support.c`. In the
  past, we had to manually create these definitions, a cumbersome and
  error prone we now avoid by letting `clang` compile `early-linked.c`
  and then linking it in.

* The old `support.h` is now known as `commonconstants.h`. `support.h`
  now contains declarations that have to be consumed by

* Each architecture now provides additional information:

  1. Which registers are part of the ABI and have to be preserved. If
     necessary the QEMU name can be provided. For each register it's
     also possible to provide their position within the `mcontext_t`
     structure, provided by the signal handler.
  2. Three assembly snippets, one to write a register, one to read it
     and one perform an indirect jump.

  Some of this information is also exposed in the output module as

* `support.c` now installs a SIGSEGV signal handler. Since pages that
  were originally executable are no longer executable, jumping there
  (typically, from a library) will trigger a SIGSEGV that we will
  handle. This allows us to properly deserialize the CPU state and
  resume execution of the translate code.

* Now also a dynamic version of each test program is translated and

* The `` script has been introduced: it takes case of
  rewriting the translated binary so to tell the linker to performe both
  the relocations of the translate program and the relocations of the
  original program. It does so by rewriting a large portion of the
  sections employed by the dynamic linker such as `.dynamic`, `.dynsym`
  and so on.

* The `` script has been introduced: it a
  user-specified compiler on a source file producing an object
  file. This object file is inspected and the value of global read-only
  variables is produced in a CSV.
parent 9c2bb85f
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