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  • Alessandro Di Federico's avatar
    Switch to new assertion system globally · f8199625
    Alessandro Di Federico authored
    This commit enforces on the whole project the usage of our own assertion
    system. This means all calls to `abort`, `assert` and `llvm_unreachable`
    have been replaced with calls to `revng_abort`, `revng_assert` and
    `revng_unreachable`, respectively.
    The error messages, usually expressed as `assert(Condition &&
    "Message")` have now been replaced using the second (optional) argument
    of `revng_assert`.
    Additionally, all the `assert(false)` statements have been replaced with
    calls to `revng_abort`. Apart from readibility, this ensures the
    compilers is aware of the fact that call will never return.
    This change will enable us to drop many statements whose sole purpose
    was marking a variable employed in an assertion as used in release
    mode. In fact, with the new assertion system this is no longer
    Switch to new assertion system globally
    Alessandro Di Federico authored
    This commit enforces on the whole project the usage of our own assertion
    system. This means all calls to `abort`, `assert` and `llvm_unreachable`
    have been replaced with calls to `revng_abort`, `revng_assert` and
    `revng_unreachable`, respectively.
    The error messages, usually expressed as `assert(Condition &&
    "Message")` have now been replaced using the second (optional) argument
    of `revng_assert`.
    Additionally, all the `assert(false)` statements have been replaced with
    calls to `revng_abort`. Apart from readibility, this ensures the
    compilers is aware of the fact that call will never return.
    This change will enable us to drop many statements whose sole purpose
    was marking a variable employed in an assertion as used in release
    mode. In fact, with the new assertion system this is no longer
revamb.h 11.18 KiB
#ifndef REVAMB_H
#define REVAMB_H

// This file is distributed under the MIT License. See for details.

// Standard includes
#include <cstdint>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

// LLVM includes
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ELF.h"

// Local includes
#include "ir-helpers.h"

namespace llvm {
class GlobalVariable;

class ABIRegister {
  llvm::StringRef Name;
  llvm::StringRef QemuName;
  unsigned MContextIndex;

  static const unsigned NotInMContext = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max();

  ABIRegister(llvm::StringRef Name, unsigned MContextIndex) :
    MContextIndex(MContextIndex) {}

  ABIRegister(llvm::StringRef Name) :
    MContextIndex(NotInMContext) {}

  ABIRegister(llvm::StringRef Name, llvm::StringRef QemuName) :
    MContextIndex(NotInMContext) {}

  llvm::StringRef name() const { return Name; }

  llvm::StringRef qemuName() const { return QemuName; }

  bool inMContext() const { return MContextIndex != NotInMContext; }
  unsigned mcontextIndex() const {
    return MContextIndex;

/// \brief Type of debug information to produce
enum class DebugInfoType {
  None, ///< no debug information.
  OriginalAssembly, ///< produce a file containing the assembly code of the
                    ///  input binary.
  PTC, ///< produce the PTC as translated by libtinycode.
  LLVMIR ///< produce an LLVM IR with debug metadata referring to itself.

// TODO: move me to another header file
/// \brief Classification of the various basic blocks we are creating
enum BlockType {
  // TODO: UntypedBlock is a bad name
  UntypedBlock, ///< A basic block generated during translation that it's not a
                ///  jump target.
  DispatcherBlock, ///< Basic block representing the dispatcher.
  AnyPCBlock, ///< Basic block used to handle an expectedly unknown jump target.
  UnexpectedPCBlock, ///< Basic block used to handle an unexpectedly unknown
                     ///  jump target.
  JumpTargetBlock, ///< A basic block generated during translation representing
                   ///  a jump target.
  DispatcherFailure ///< Basic block representing the default case of the
                    ///  dispatcher switch.

namespace JTReason {

// TODO: move me to another header file
/// \brief Reason for registering a jump target
enum Values {
  PostHelper = 1, ///< PC after an helper (e.g., a syscall)
  DirectJump = 2, ///< Obtained from a direct store to the PC
  GlobalData = 4, ///< Obtained digging in global data
  AmbigousInstruction = 8, ///< Fallthrough of multiple instructions in the
                           ///  immediately preceeding bytes
  SETToPC = 16, ///< Obtained from SET on a store to the PC
  SETNotToPC = 32, ///< Obtained from SET (but not from a PC-store)
  UnusedGlobalData = 64, ///< Obtained digging in global data, buf never used
                         ///  by SET. Likely a function pointer.
  Callee = 128, ///< This JT is the target of a call instruction.
  SumJump = 256, ///< Obtained from the "sumjump" heuristic
  LoadAddress = 512, ///< A load has been performed from this address
  ReturnAddress = 1024, ///< Obtained as the fallthrough of a function call
  FunctionSymbol = 2048, ///< Obtained from a function symbol
  LastReason = FunctionSymbol

inline const char *getName(Values Reason) {
  switch (Reason) {
  case PostHelper:
    return "PostHelper";
  case DirectJump:
    return "DirectJump";
  case GlobalData:
    return "GlobalData";
  case AmbigousInstruction:
    return "AmbigousInstruction";
  case SETToPC:
    return "SETToPC";
  case SETNotToPC:
    return "SETNotToPC";
  case UnusedGlobalData:
    return "UnusedGlobalData";
  case Callee:
    return "Callee";
  case SumJump:
    return "SumJump";
  case LoadAddress:
    return "LoadAddress";
  case ReturnAddress:
    return "ReturnAddress";
  case FunctionSymbol:
    return "FunctionSymbol";

inline Values fromName(llvm::StringRef ReasonName) {
  if (ReasonName == "PostHelper")
    return PostHelper;
  else if (ReasonName == "DirectJump")
    return DirectJump;
  else if (ReasonName == "GlobalData")
    return GlobalData;
  else if (ReasonName == "AmbigousInstruction")
    return AmbigousInstruction;
  else if (ReasonName == "SETToPC")
    return SETToPC;
  else if (ReasonName == "SETNotToPC")
    return SETNotToPC;
  else if (ReasonName == "UnusedGlobalData")
    return UnusedGlobalData;
  else if (ReasonName == "Callee")
    return Callee;
  else if (ReasonName == "SumJump")
    return SumJump;
  else if (ReasonName == "LoadAddress")
    return LoadAddress;
  else if (ReasonName == "ReturnAddress")
    return ReturnAddress;
  else if (ReasonName == "FunctionSymbol")
    return FunctionSymbol;

inline bool hasReason(uint32_t Reasons, Values ToCheck) {
  return (Reasons & static_cast<uint32_t>(ToCheck)) != 0;

} // namespace JTReason

namespace KillReason {

enum Values { NonKiller, KillerSyscall, EndlessLoop, LeadsToKiller };

inline llvm::StringRef getName(Values Reason) {
  switch (Reason) {
  case NonKiller:
    return "NonKiller";
  case KillerSyscall:
    return "KillerSyscall";
  case EndlessLoop:
    return "EndlessLoop";
  case LeadsToKiller:
    return "LeadsToKiller";

  revng_abort("Unexpected reason");

inline Values fromName(llvm::StringRef Name) {
  if (Name == "NonKiller")
    return NonKiller;
  if (Name == "KillerSyscall")
    return KillerSyscall;
  else if (Name == "EndlessLoop")
    return EndlessLoop;
  else if (Name == "LeadsToKiller")
    return LeadsToKiller;
    revng_abort("Unexpected name");

} // namespace KillReason

/// \brief Basic information about an input/output architecture
class Architecture {
  enum EndianessType { LittleEndian, BigEndian };

  Architecture() :
    DelaySlotSize(0) {}

  Architecture(unsigned Type,
               uint32_t InstructionAlignment,
               uint32_t DefaultAlignment,
               bool IsLittleEndian,
               unsigned PointerSize,
               llvm::StringRef SyscallHelper,
               llvm::StringRef SyscallNumberRegister,
               llvm::ArrayRef<uint64_t> NoReturnSyscalls,
               uint32_t DelaySlotSize,
               llvm::StringRef StackPointerRegister,
               llvm::SmallVector<ABIRegister, 20> ABIRegisters,
               unsigned PCMContextIndex,
               llvm::StringRef WriteRegisterAsm,
               llvm::StringRef ReadRegisterAsm,
               llvm::StringRef JumpAsm,
               bool HasRelocationAddend,
               uint32_t BaseRelativeRelocation) :
    Endianess(IsLittleEndian ? LittleEndian : BigEndian),
    BaseRelativeRelocation(BaseRelativeRelocation) {}

  uint32_t instructionAlignment() const { return InstructionAlignment; }
  uint32_t defaultAlignment() const { return DefaultAlignment; }
  EndianessType endianess() const { return Endianess; }
  unsigned pointerSize() const { return PointerSize; }
  bool isLittleEndian() const { return Endianess == LittleEndian; }
  llvm::StringRef syscallHelper() const { return SyscallHelper; }
  llvm::StringRef syscallNumberRegister() const {
    return SyscallNumberRegister;
  llvm::StringRef stackPointerRegister() const { return StackPointerRegister; }
  llvm::ArrayRef<uint64_t> noReturnSyscalls() const { return NoReturnSyscalls; }
  uint32_t delaySlotSize() const { return DelaySlotSize; }
  llvm::SmallVector<ABIRegister, 20> abiRegisters() const {
    return ABIRegisters;
  const char *name() const { return llvm::Triple::getArchTypeName(Type); }
  unsigned pcMContextIndex() const { return PCMContextIndex; }

  llvm::StringRef writeRegisterAsm() const { return WriteRegisterAsm; }
  llvm::StringRef readRegisterAsm() const { return ReadRegisterAsm; }
  llvm::StringRef jumpAsm() const { return JumpAsm; }
  bool isJumpOutSupported() const {
    bool IsSupported = WriteRegisterAsm.size() != 0;
    revng_assert(IsSupported == (ReadRegisterAsm.size() != 0)
                 && IsSupported == (JumpAsm.size() != 0));
    return IsSupported;
  bool hasRelocationAddend() const { return HasRelocationAddend; }
  uint32_t baseRelativeRelocation() const { return BaseRelativeRelocation; }

  llvm::Triple::ArchType Type;

  uint32_t InstructionAlignment;
  uint32_t DefaultAlignment;
  EndianessType Endianess;
  unsigned PointerSize;

  llvm::StringRef SyscallHelper;
  llvm::StringRef SyscallNumberRegister;
  llvm::ArrayRef<uint64_t> NoReturnSyscalls;
  uint32_t DelaySlotSize;
  llvm::StringRef StackPointerRegister;
  llvm::SmallVector<ABIRegister, 20> ABIRegisters;
  unsigned PCMContextIndex;
  llvm::StringRef WriteRegisterAsm;
  llvm::StringRef ReadRegisterAsm;
  llvm::StringRef JumpAsm;
  bool HasRelocationAddend;
  uint32_t BaseRelativeRelocation;

// TODO: move me somewhere more appropriate
inline bool startsWith(std::string String, std::string Prefix) {
  return String.substr(0, Prefix.size()) == Prefix;

/// \brief Simple helper function asserting a pointer is not a `nullptr`
template<typename T>
inline T *notNull(T *Pointer) {
  revng_assert(Pointer != nullptr);
  return Pointer;

static const std::array<llvm::StringRef, 3> MarkerFunctionNames = {
  { "newpc", "function_call", "exitTB" }

/// \brief Checks if \p I is a marker
/// A marker a function call to an empty function acting as meta-information,
/// for example the `function_call` marker.
inline bool isMarker(llvm::Instruction *I) {
  using namespace std::placeholders;
  using llvm::any_of;
  using std::bind;

  return any_of(MarkerFunctionNames, bind(isCallTo, I, _1));

inline llvm::Instruction *nextNonMarker(llvm::Instruction *I) {
  auto It = I->getIterator();
  auto End = I->getParent()->end();
  do {
    revng_assert(It != End);
  } while (isMarker(&*It));

  revng_assert(It != End);
  return &*It;

/// \brief Given a BasicBlock representing a function call, returns the callee
inline llvm::BasicBlock *getFunctionCallCallee(llvm::BasicBlock *BB) {
  using namespace llvm;

  auto Last = BB->begin();
  auto It = BB->end();
  while (It != Last) {
    if (isCallTo(&*It, "function_call")) {
      auto *Call = cast<CallInst>(&*It);

      if (auto *BA = dyn_cast<BlockAddress>(Call->getArgOperand(0)))
        return BA->getBasicBlock();
        return nullptr;

  // TODO: is it OK to treat indirect function calls and non-calls the same way?
  return nullptr;

#endif // REVAMB_H