Alessandro Di Federico authored
Most of the times, when we need to get the next instruction, we actually want to skip over "marker" function calls (e.g., calls to `newpc` and `function_call`). `nextNonMarker` does exactly this. `FunctionCallIdentification::isCall` and `JumpTargetManager::setCFGForm` have also been extended to correctly handle such situations.
Alessandro Di Federico authoredMost of the times, when we need to get the next instruction, we actually want to skip over "marker" function calls (e.g., calls to `newpc` and `function_call`). `nextNonMarker` does exactly this. `FunctionCallIdentification::isCall` and `JumpTargetManager::setCFGForm` have also been extended to correctly handle such situations.
functionboundariesdetection.cpp 18.23 KiB
/// \file functionboundariesdetection.cpp
/// \brief
// This file is distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md for details.
// Standard includes
#include <cstdint>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
// Boost includes
#include <boost/icl/interval_set.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
#include <boost/icl/right_open_interval.hpp>
// LLVM includes
#include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ilist.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DataLayout.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
// Local includes
#include "debug.h"
#include "datastructures.h"
#include "functionboundariesdetection.h"
#include "ir-helpers.h"
#include "jumptargetmanager.h"
using namespace llvm;
using std::map;
using std::vector;
class FunctionBoundariesDetectionImpl;
using FBDP = FunctionBoundariesDetectionPass;
using FBD = FunctionBoundariesDetectionImpl;
using interval_set = boost::icl::interval_set<uint64_t>;
using interval = boost::icl::interval<uint64_t>;
char FBDP::ID = 0;
static RegisterPass<FBDP> X("fbdp",
"Function Boundaries Detection Pass",
class FunctionBoundariesDetectionImpl {
FunctionBoundariesDetectionImpl(Function &F,
JumpTargetManager *JTM) : F(F), JTM(JTM) { }
map<BasicBlock *, vector<BasicBlock *>> run();
enum RelationType {
UnknownRelation = 0,
Head = 1,
Fallthrough = 2,
Jump = 4,
Return = 8
enum CFEPReason {
UnknownReason = 0,
Callee = 1,
GlobalData = 2,
InCode = 4,
SkippingJump = 8
class CFEPRelation {
CFEPRelation(BasicBlock *CFEP) : CFEP(CFEP), Distance(0), Type(0) { }
void setType(RelationType T) { Type |= T; }
bool hasType(RelationType T) const { return Type & T; }
void setDistance(uint32_t New) { Distance = std::max(Distance, New); }
bool isSkippingJump() const { return Distance > 0 && hasType(Jump); }
bool isNonSkippingJump() const { return Distance == 0 && hasType(Jump); }
BasicBlock *cfep() const { return CFEP; }
std::string describe() const;
BasicBlock *CFEP;
uint32_t Distance;
uint32_t Type;
class CFEP {
CFEP() : Reasons(0) { }
void setReason(CFEPReason Reason) { Reasons |= Reason; }
bool hasReason(CFEPReason Reason) { return Reasons & Reason; }
uint32_t Reasons;
void initPostDispatcherIt();
void collectFunctionCalls();
void collectReturnInstructions();
void registerBasicBlockAddressRanges();
interval_set findCoverage(BasicBlock *BB);
// CFEP related methods
void collectInitialCFEPSet();
void cfepProcessPhase1();
void cfepProcessPhase2();
/// Associate to each basic block a metadata with the list of functions it
/// belongs to
void createMetadata();
void serialize();
void setRelation(BasicBlock *CFEP, BasicBlock *Affected, RelationType T) {
assert(CFEP != nullptr);
CFEPRelation &Relation = getRelation(CFEP, Affected);
void setDistance(BasicBlock *CFEP, BasicBlock *Affected, uint64_t Distance) {
assert(CFEP != nullptr);
const uint64_t Max = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
Distance = std::min(Distance, Max);
CFEPRelation &Relation = getRelation(CFEP, Affected);
bool isCFEP(BasicBlock *BB) const { return CFEPs.count(BB); }
void registerCFEP(BasicBlock *BB, CFEPReason Reason) {
assert(BB != nullptr);
setRelation(BB, BB, Head);
void filterCFEPs();
CFEPRelation &getRelation(BasicBlock *CFEP, BasicBlock *Affected) {
SmallVector<CFEPRelation, 2> &BBRelations = Relations[Affected];
auto It = std::find_if(BBRelations.begin(),
[CFEP] (CFEPRelation &R) {
return R.cfep() == CFEP;
if (It != BBRelations.end()) {
return *It;
} else {
return BBRelations.back();
std::vector<BasicBlock *> cfeps() const {
std::vector<BasicBlock *> Result;
for (auto &P : CFEPs)
return Result;
Function &F;
JumpTargetManager *JTM;
std::map<TerminatorInst *, BasicBlock *> FunctionCalls;
std::map<BasicBlock *, std::vector<BasicBlock *>> CallPredecessors;
std::set<uint64_t> ReturnPCs;
std::set<TerminatorInst *> Returns;
ilist_iterator<BasicBlock> PostDispatcherIt;
std::map<BasicBlock *, interval_set> Coverage;
// CFEP related data
std::map<BasicBlock *, CFEP> CFEPs;
std::map<BasicBlock *, SmallVector<CFEPRelation, 2>> Relations;
OnceQueue<BasicBlock *> CFEPWorkList;
interval_set Callees;
std::map<BasicBlock *, std::vector<BasicBlock *>> Functions;
void FBD::initPostDispatcherIt() {
// Skip dispatcher and friends
auto It = F.begin();
for (; It != F.end(); It++) {
if (!It->empty()) {
if (auto *Call = dyn_cast<CallInst>(&*It->begin())) {
Function *Callee = Call->getCalledFunction();
if (Callee != nullptr && Callee->getName() == "newpc")
PostDispatcherIt = It;
static inline BasicBlock *getBlock(Value *V) {
return cast<BlockAddress>(V)->getBasicBlock();
void FBD::collectFunctionCalls() {
Module *M = F.getParent();
Function *FC = M->getFunction("function_call");
for (User *U : FC->users()) {
if (auto *Call = dyn_cast<CallInst>(U)) {
BasicBlock *ReturnBB = getBlock(Call->getOperand(1));
uint32_t ReturnPC = getLimitedValue(Call->getOperand(2));
auto *Terminator = cast<TerminatorInst>(nextNonMarker(Call));
assert(Terminator != nullptr);
FunctionCalls[Terminator] = ReturnBB;
// Mark all the callee basic blocks as such
for (auto P : FunctionCalls)
for (BasicBlock *S : P.first->successors())
if (JTM->isTranslatedBB(S))
JTM->registerJT(S, JumpTargetManager::Callee);
void FBD::collectReturnInstructions() {
// Detect return instructions
// TODO: there is a remote possibility that we're mishandling some case here,
// in the future we should perform a stack analysis to prove that a
// register has not been touched since the function entry.
for (BasicBlock &BB : make_range(PostDispatcherIt, F.end())) {
auto *Terminator = BB.getTerminator();
if (FunctionCalls.count(Terminator) != 0)
bool JumpsToDispatcher = false;
bool IsReturn = true;
for (BasicBlock *Successor : Terminator->successors()) {
// A return instruction must jump to JTM->anyPC, while all the other
// successors (if any) must be registered returns addresses
if (Successor == JTM->anyPC()) {
JumpsToDispatcher = true;
} else if (ReturnPCs.count(JTM->getPC(&*Successor->begin()).first) == 0) {
IsReturn = false;
IsReturn &= JumpsToDispatcher;
if (IsReturn) {
// TODO: assert that the destnation is the content of a register, or a
// load from a memory location at a constant offset from the content
// of a register
/// \brief Register for each basic block the range of addresses it covers
void FBD::registerBasicBlockAddressRanges() {
// Register the range of addresses covered by each basic block
for (User *U : F.getParent()->getFunction("newpc")->users()) {
auto *Call = dyn_cast<CallInst>(U);
if (Call == nullptr)
BasicBlock *BB = Call->getParent();
uint64_t Address = getLimitedValue(Call->getOperand(0));
uint64_t Size = getLimitedValue(Call->getOperand(1));
assert(Address > 0 && Size > 0);
Coverage[BB] += interval::right_open(Address, Address + Size);
interval_set FBD::findCoverage(BasicBlock *BB) {
auto It = Coverage.find(BB);
if (It != Coverage.end()) {
return It->second;
OnceQueue<BasicBlock *> WorkList;
while (!WorkList.empty()) {
BB = WorkList.pop();
It = Coverage.find(BB);
if (It != Coverage.end()) {
return It->second;
for (BasicBlock *Predecessor : predecessors(BB))
if (JTM->isTranslatedBB(Predecessor))
llvm_unreachable("Couldn't find basic block");
void FBD::collectInitialCFEPSet() {
// TODO: handle entry points
// registerCFEP(JTM->getBlockAt(EntryPoint), Callee);
// Collect initial set of CFEPs
for (auto &P : *JTM) {
if (contains(JTM->readRange(), P.first))
const JumpTargetManager::JumpTarget &JT = P.second;
BasicBlock *CFEPHead = JT.head();
bool Insert = false;
DBG("functions", dbg << JT.describe() << "\n");
if (JT.hasReason(JumpTargetManager::Callee)) {
registerCFEP(CFEPHead, Callee);
assert(Coverage.find(CFEPHead) != Coverage.end());
Callees += Coverage[CFEPHead];
Insert = true;
if (JT.hasReason(JumpTargetManager::UnusedGlobalData)) {
registerCFEP(CFEPHead, GlobalData);
Insert = true;
if (JT.hasReason(JumpTargetManager::SETNotToPC)
&& !JT.hasReason(JumpTargetManager::SETToPC)) {
registerCFEP(CFEPHead, InCode);
Insert = true;
if (Insert)
void FBD::cfepProcessPhase1() {
// For each CFEP record which basic block it can reach and how. Then also
// detect skipping jumps.
while (!CFEPWorkList.empty()) {
BasicBlock *CFEP = CFEPWorkList.pop();
// Find all the basic block it can reach
OnceQueue<BasicBlock *> WorkList;
while (!WorkList.empty()) {
BasicBlock *RelatedBB = WorkList.pop();
auto FCIt = FunctionCalls.find(RelatedBB->getTerminator());
if (FCIt != FunctionCalls.end()) {
// This basic block ends with a function call, proceed with the return
// address, unless it's a call to a noreturn function.
if (JTM->noReturn().isNoreturnBasicBlock(RelatedBB)) {
DBG("nra", dbg << "Stopping at " << getName(RelatedBB) << " since it's a noreturn call\n");
} else {
BasicBlock *ReturnBB = FCIt->second;
setRelation(CFEP, ReturnBB, Return);
} else if (Returns.count(RelatedBB->getTerminator()) == 0) {
// It's not a return, it's not a function call, it must be a branch part
// of the ordinary control flow of the function.
for (BasicBlock *S : successors(RelatedBB)) {
if (!JTM->isTranslatedBB(S))
// TODO: track fallthrough
setRelation(CFEP, S, Jump);
// Compute distance of jumps
// For each basic block look at his Jump successors
for (BasicBlock *BB : WorkList.visited()) {
TerminatorInst *T = BB->getTerminator();
if (FunctionCalls.count(T) != 0 || Returns.count(T) != 0)
interval_set StartAddressRange = findCoverage(BB);
uint64_t StartAddress = StartAddressRange.begin()->lower();
assert(StartAddress != 0);
for (BasicBlock *S : successors(BB)) {
if (!JTM->isTranslatedBB(S) || Coverage.count(S) == 0)
assert(Coverage.find(S) != Coverage.end());
interval_set &DestinationAddressRange = Coverage[S];
// TODO: why this?
if (DestinationAddressRange.size() == 0)
uint64_t DestinationAddress = DestinationAddressRange.begin()->lower();
interval_set JumpInterval;
if (StartAddress <= DestinationAddress)
JumpInterval += interval::closed(StartAddress, DestinationAddress);
JumpInterval += interval::closed(DestinationAddress, StartAddress);
JumpInterval -= StartAddressRange;
JumpInterval -= DestinationAddressRange;
JumpInterval &= Callees;
uint64_t Distance = JumpInterval.size();
if (Distance > 0) {
setDistance(CFEP, S, Distance);
registerCFEP(S, SkippingJump);
void FBD::filterCFEPs() {
std::map<BasicBlock *, CFEP>::iterator It = CFEPs.begin();
while (It != CFEPs.end()) {
BasicBlock *CFEPHead = It->first;
assert(CFEPHead != nullptr);
CFEP &C = It->second;
// Keep a CFEP only if its address is taken, it's a callee or all the
// paths leading there are skipping jumps
bool Keep = C.hasReason(Callee);
bool AddressTaken = C.hasReason(GlobalData) || C.hasReason(InCode);
if (!Keep && AddressTaken) {
Keep = true;
// Check no relation of Jump type and 0-distance exist
for (CFEPRelation &Relation : Relations[CFEPHead])
Keep = Keep
&& !Relation.isNonSkippingJump()
&& !Relation.hasType(Return);
if (!Keep && !AddressTaken) {
auto &CFEPRelations = Relations[CFEPHead];
Keep = Relations.size() > 1;
if (Keep)
for (CFEPRelation &Relation : CFEPRelations)
Keep = Keep && (Relation.hasType(Head)
|| Relation.isSkippingJump());
if (Keep) {
DBG("functions", {
dbg << std::hex << "0x" << getBasicBlockPC(CFEPHead)
<< " is a FEP: "
<< " Callee? " << C.hasReason(Callee)
<< " GlobalData? " << C.hasReason(GlobalData)
<< " InCode? " << C.hasReason(InCode)
<< " SkippingJump? " << C.hasReason(SkippingJump)
<< "\n";
} else {
DBG("functions", {
dbg << std::hex << "0x" << getBasicBlockPC(CFEPHead)
<< " is a not a FEP:";
for (CFEPRelation &Relation : Relations[CFEPHead])
dbg << " {" << Relation.describe() << "}";
dbg << "\n";
It = CFEPs.erase(It);
void FBD::cfepProcessPhase2() {
// Find all the basic block it can reach
for (BasicBlock *CFEP : cfeps()) {
OnceQueue<BasicBlock *> WorkList;
while (!WorkList.empty()) {
BasicBlock *RelatedBB = WorkList.pop();
auto FCIt = FunctionCalls.find(RelatedBB->getTerminator());
if (FCIt != FunctionCalls.end()) {
BasicBlock *ReturnBB = FCIt->second;
if (!isCFEP(ReturnBB))
} else if (Returns.count(RelatedBB->getTerminator()) == 0) {
for (BasicBlock *S : successors(RelatedBB)) {
if (!JTM->isTranslatedBB(S))
// TODO: doesn't handle the div in div case
if (!isCFEP(S))
for (BasicBlock *Member : WorkList.visited())
void FBD::createMetadata() {
LLVMContext &Context = getContext(&F);
// We first compute the list of all the functions each basic block belongs to,
// so we don't have to create a huge number of metadata which are never
// deleted (?)
std::map<BasicBlock *, std::vector<Metadata *>> ReversedFunctions;
for (auto &P : Functions) {
BasicBlock *Header = P.first;
auto *Name = MDString::get(Context, getName(Header));
MDTuple *FunctionMD = MDNode::get(Context, { Name });
Instruction *Terminator = Header->getTerminator();
assert(Terminator != nullptr);
Terminator->setMetadata("func.entry", FunctionMD);
for (BasicBlock *Member : P.second)
// Associate the terminator of each basic block with the previously created
// metadata node
for (auto &P : ReversedFunctions) {
BasicBlock *BB = P.first;
if (!BB->empty() ) {
Instruction *Terminator = BB->getTerminator();
assert(Terminator != nullptr);
auto *FuncMDs = MDTuple::get(Context, ArrayRef<Metadata *>(P.second));
Terminator->setMetadata("func.member.of", FuncMDs);
// Mark each return instruction
for (TerminatorInst *T : Returns)
T->setMetadata("func.return", MDNode::get(Context, { }));
map<BasicBlock *, vector<BasicBlock *>> FBD::run() {
assert(JTM != nullptr);
// TODO: move this code in JTM
JTM->noReturn().computeKillerSet(CallPredecessors, Returns);
return std::move(Functions);
std::string FBD::CFEPRelation::describe() const {
std::stringstream SS;
SS << getName(CFEP)
<< " Distance: " << Distance;
if (hasType(UnknownRelation))
SS << " UnknownRelation";
if (hasType(Head))
SS << " Head";
if (hasType(Fallthrough))
SS << " Fallthrough";
if (hasType(Jump))
SS << " Jump";
if (hasType(Return))
SS << " Return";
return SS.str();
bool FBDP::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
FBD Impl(F, JTM);
Functions = Impl.run();
return false;
void FBDP::serialize() const {
if (SerializePath.size() == 0)
// Emit results
std::ofstream Output(SerializePath);
Output << "index,start,end\n";
for (auto &P : Functions) {
for (BasicBlock *BB : P.second) {
for (Instruction &I : *BB) {
if (auto *Call = dyn_cast<CallInst>(&I)) {
Function *Callee = Call->getCalledFunction();
if (Callee != nullptr && Callee->getName() == "newpc") {
uint64_t StartPC = getLimitedValue(Call->getArgOperandUse(0));
uint64_t Size = getLimitedValue(Call->getArgOperandUse(1));
uint64_t EndPC = StartPC + Size;
Output << std::dec << getName(P.first) << ","
<< "0x" << std::hex << StartPC << ","
<< "0x" << std::hex << EndPC << "\n";