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  • Alessandro Di Federico's avatar
    Switch to new assertion system globally · f8199625
    Alessandro Di Federico authored
    This commit enforces on the whole project the usage of our own assertion
    system. This means all calls to `abort`, `assert` and `llvm_unreachable`
    have been replaced with calls to `revng_abort`, `revng_assert` and
    `revng_unreachable`, respectively.
    The error messages, usually expressed as `assert(Condition &&
    "Message")` have now been replaced using the second (optional) argument
    of `revng_assert`.
    Additionally, all the `assert(false)` statements have been replaced with
    calls to `revng_abort`. Apart from readibility, this ensures the
    compilers is aware of the fact that call will never return.
    This change will enable us to drop many statements whose sole purpose
    was marking a variable employed in an assertion as used in release
    mode. In fact, with the new assertion system this is no longer
    Switch to new assertion system globally
    Alessandro Di Federico authored
    This commit enforces on the whole project the usage of our own assertion
    system. This means all calls to `abort`, `assert` and `llvm_unreachable`
    have been replaced with calls to `revng_abort`, `revng_assert` and
    `revng_unreachable`, respectively.
    The error messages, usually expressed as `assert(Condition &&
    "Message")` have now been replaced using the second (optional) argument
    of `revng_assert`.
    Additionally, all the `assert(false)` statements have been replaced with
    calls to `revng_abort`. Apart from readibility, this ensures the
    compilers is aware of the fact that call will never return.
    This change will enable us to drop many statements whose sole purpose
    was marking a variable employed in an assertion as used in release
    mode. In fact, with the new assertion system this is no longer
lazysmallbitvector.h 18.34 KiB

// This file is distributed under the MIT License. See for details.

// Standard includes
#include "revng-assert.h"
#include <climits>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
extern "C" {
#include <strings.h>
#include <limits>

// Boost includes
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>

// TODO: implement shrinking

// TODO: implement using __builtin_clz if available
/// \brief Returns the minimum amount of bits required to represent \p Value
template<typename T>
inline unsigned requiredBits(T Value) {
  unsigned Result = 0;

  while (Value != 0) {
    Value = Value >> 1;

  return Result;

template<typename T, typename A, typename B>
constexpr bool is_either() {
  return std::is_same<T, A>::value || std::is_same<T, B>::value;

template<typename T, typename A, typename B>
using enable_if_either = typename std::enable_if<is_either<T, A, B>(), T>::type;

template<typename T>
using enable_if_int = enable_if_either<T, unsigned, int>;

template<typename T>
using enable_if_long = enable_if_either<T, unsigned long, long>;

template<typename T>
using enable_if_long_long = enable_if_either<T, unsigned long long, long long>;

template<typename T>
inline unsigned findFirstBit(enable_if_int<T> Value) {
  return ffs(Value);

template<typename T>
inline unsigned findFirstBit(enable_if_long<T> Value) {
  return ffsl(Value);

template<typename T>
inline unsigned findFirstBit(enable_if_long_long<T> Value) {
  return ffsll(Value);

template<typename T>
inline unsigned findFirstBit(T Value) {
  return findFirstBit<T>(Value);

template<typename T>
inline T excessDivide(T A, unsigned B) {
  return (A + (B - 1)) / B;

class LazySmallBitVector;

template<typename LSBV>
class LazySmallBitVectorIterator
  : public boost::iterator_facade<LazySmallBitVectorIterator<LSBV>,
                                  unsigned> {
  LazySmallBitVectorIterator() : BitVector(nullptr), NextBitIndex(0) {}
  LazySmallBitVectorIterator(LSBV *BitVector);
  LazySmallBitVectorIterator(LSBV *BitVector, unsigned Index);

  void increment();

  bool equal(LazySmallBitVectorIterator const &Other) const {
    return BitVector == Other.BitVector && NextBitIndex == Other.NextBitIndex;

  unsigned dereference() const {
    revng_assert(BitVector != nullptr && NextBitIndex != 0);
    return NextBitIndex - 1;

  friend class boost::iterator_core_access;

  LSBV *BitVector;
  unsigned NextBitIndex;

/// \brief Infinite zero-initialized BitVector, automatically enlarging and
///        in-place up to sizeof(uintptr_t) * CHAR_BIT - 1 bits
class LazySmallBitVector {
  using const_iterator = LazySmallBitVectorIterator<const LazySmallBitVector>;
  using iterator = LazySmallBitVectorIterator<LazySmallBitVector>;
  typedef bool value_type;

  static const unsigned BitsPerPointer = sizeof(uintptr_t) * CHAR_BIT;
  static const unsigned MaxSmallSize = BitsPerPointer - 1;
  static const uintptr_t One = 1;
  static const unsigned IntMax = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max();

  struct LargeStorage {
    unsigned wordCount() const { return Capacity / BitsPerPointer; }
    unsigned capacity() const { return Capacity; }

    unsigned requiredBits() const {
      for (signed I = wordCount() - 1; I >= 0; I--)
        if (at(I) != 0)
          return BitsPerPointer * I + ::requiredBits(at(I));

      return 0;

    uintptr_t &at(size_t Index) {
      revng_assert(Index < wordCount());
      return Storage[Index];

    const uintptr_t &at(size_t Index) const {
      revng_assert(Index < wordCount());
      return Storage[Index];

    void zero(size_t From, size_t Count) {
      revng_assert(From + Count <= wordCount());
      memset(&at(From), 0, Count * sizeof(uintptr_t));

    void zero(size_t From) { zero(From, wordCount()); }

    void zero() { zero(0); }

    void setCapacity(size_t Count) { Capacity = Count; }

    LargeStorage &operator=(const LargeStorage &Other) {
      revng_assert(Capacity >= Other.Capacity);
      memcpy(&at(0), &, Other.Capacity / sizeof(uintptr_t));
      return *this;

    size_t Capacity;
    uintptr_t Storage[1];

  LazySmallBitVector() : Storage(1) {}

  LazySmallBitVector(const LazySmallBitVector &Other) : Storage(1) {
    *this = Other;

  LazySmallBitVector(LazySmallBitVector &&Other) : Storage(Other.Storage) {
    Other.Storage = 1;

  bool isSmall() const { return Storage & 1; }

  void set(unsigned Index) {
    revng_assert(Index < IntMax);

    if (Index >= capacity())
      alloc(Index + 1);

    if (isSmall()) {
      revng_assert(Index < MaxSmallSize);
      Storage = Storage | (One << (Index + 1));
    } else {
      uintptr_t &Target = getLarge().at(Index / BitsPerPointer);
      Target = Target | (One << (Index % BitsPerPointer));

  void unset(unsigned Index) {
    revng_assert(Index < IntMax);

    if (Index >= capacity())

    if (isSmall()) {
      revng_assert(Index < MaxSmallSize);
      Storage = Storage & ~(One << (Index + 1));
    } else {
      uintptr_t &Target = getLarge().at(Index / BitsPerPointer);
      Target = Target & ~(One << (Index % BitsPerPointer));

  void zero(size_t From, size_t Count) {
    if (From >= capacity() || From + Count > capacity())

    if (isSmall()) {
      setSmall(getSmall() & ~(((One << Count) - 1) << From));
    } else {
      LargeStorage &Large = getLarge();

      // Blank leading bits
      unsigned Head = BitsPerPointer - (From % BitsPerPointer);
      unsigned HeadComplement = From % BitsPerPointer;
      if (HeadComplement != 0) {
        uintptr_t Mask = ~(((One << Head) - 1) << HeadComplement); / BitsPerPointer) &= Mask;
        From += Head;
        Count -= Head;
        revng_assert(From % BitsPerPointer == 0);

      // Blank trailing bits
      unsigned Tail = Count % BitsPerPointer;
      if (Tail != 0) { + Count) / BitsPerPointer) &= ~((One << Tail) - 1);
        Count -= Tail;
        revng_assert(Count % BitsPerPointer == 0);

      if (Count != 0) / BitsPerPointer, Count / BitsPerPointer);

  void zero(size_t From) { zero(From, capacity() - From); }

  void zero() { zero(0); }

  bool operator[](unsigned Index) const {
    if (Index >= capacity())
      return false;

    if (isSmall()) {
      return (Storage >> (Index + 1)) & 1;
    } else {
      uintptr_t Value = getLarge().at(Index / BitsPerPointer);
      return (Value >> (Index % BitsPerPointer)) & 1;

  /// \brief The bits required to represent this bit vector
  /// This is the index of the most significant set bit, plus 1. 0 means the bit
  /// vector is composed exclusively by zeros.
  unsigned requiredBits() const {
    if (isSmall()) {
      uintptr_t Value = getSmall();
      return ::requiredBits(Value);
    } else {
      return getLarge().requiredBits();

  bool isZero() const { return requiredBits() == 0; }

  LazySmallBitVector &operator=(const LazySmallBitVector &Other) {
    if (!(Other.isSmall() || Other.capacity() > 63))

    if (Other.isSmall()) {
      Storage = Other.Storage;
    } else {
      if (Other.capacity() > capacity())

      getLarge() = Other.getLarge();

    return *this;

  LazySmallBitVector &operator=(LazySmallBitVector &&Other) {
    if (!isSmall())

    Storage = Other.Storage;

    Other.Storage = 1;

    return *this;

  bool operator==(const LazySmallBitVector &Other) const {
    if (Storage == Other.Storage)
      return true;

    if (isSmall() && Other.isSmall())
      return false;

    if (!isSmall() && !Other.isSmall()) {
      const LargeStorage &OtherLarge = Other.getLarge();
      const LargeStorage &ThisLarge = getLarge();

      unsigned Max = std::min(ThisLarge.capacity(), OtherLarge.capacity());
      Max /= BitsPerPointer;

      for (unsigned I = 0; I < Max; I++)
        if ( !=
          return false;

      if (ThisLarge.capacity() > OtherLarge.capacity()) {
        for (unsigned I = Max; I < ThisLarge.wordCount(); I++)
          if ( != 0)
            return false;
      } else {
        for (unsigned I = Max; I < OtherLarge.wordCount(); I++)
          if ( != 0)
            return false;

    } else if (!isSmall() && Other.isSmall()) {
      const LargeStorage &ThisLarge = getLarge();
      if ( != Other.getSmall())
        return false;

      for (unsigned I = 1; I < ThisLarge.wordCount(); I++)
        if ( != 0)
          return false;
    } else if (isSmall() && !Other.isSmall()) {
      const LargeStorage &OtherLarge = Other.getLarge();
      if ( != getSmall())
        return false;

      for (unsigned I = 1; I < OtherLarge.wordCount(); I++)
        if ( != 0)
          return false;

    return true;

  bool operator!=(const LazySmallBitVector &Other) const {
    return !(*this == Other);

  LazySmallBitVector &operator^=(const LazySmallBitVector &Other) {
    // Ensure we have at least the same capacity as Other
    if (Other.capacity() > this->capacity())

    // This situation should never happen, since we just ensured we have at
    // least the same capacity
    revng_assert(!(isSmall() && !Other.isSmall()));

    if (isSmall() && Other.isSmall()) {
      Storage = (Storage ^ Other.Storage) | 1;
    } else if (!isSmall() && !Other.isSmall()) {
      const LargeStorage &OtherLarge = Other.getLarge();
      LargeStorage &ThisLarge = getLarge();

      unsigned Max = std::min(ThisLarge.capacity(), OtherLarge.capacity());
      Max /= BitsPerPointer;
      for (unsigned I = 0; I < Max; I++) = ^;

    } else if (!isSmall() && Other.isSmall()) {
      LargeStorage &ThisLarge = getLarge(); = ^ Other.getSmall();

    return *this;

  LazySmallBitVector &operator|=(const LazySmallBitVector &Other) {
    // Ensure we have at least the same capacity as Other
    if (Other.capacity() > this->capacity())

    // This situation should never happen, since we just ensured we have at
    // least the same capacity
    revng_assert(!(isSmall() && !Other.isSmall()));

    if (isSmall() && Other.isSmall()) {
      Storage = Storage | Other.Storage;
    } else if (!isSmall() && !Other.isSmall()) {
      const LargeStorage &OtherLarge = Other.getLarge();
      LargeStorage &ThisLarge = getLarge();

      unsigned Max = std::min(ThisLarge.capacity(), OtherLarge.capacity());
      Max /= BitsPerPointer;

      for (unsigned I = 0; I < Max; I++) = |;

    } else if (!isSmall() && Other.isSmall()) {
      LargeStorage &ThisLarge = getLarge(); = | Other.getSmall();

    return *this;

  LazySmallBitVector &operator&=(const LazySmallBitVector &Other) {
    if (isSmall()) {
      uintptr_t OtherValue;
      if (Other.isSmall())
        OtherValue = Other.getSmall();
        OtherValue = Other.getLarge().at(0);
      setSmall(getSmall() & OtherValue);
    } else {
      LargeStorage &Large = getLarge();
      size_t ThisPointersCount = Large.wordCount();

      if (Other.isSmall()) {
        // We have to discard everything except the first uintptr_t
        if (ThisPointersCount > 1) {
          // Zero out all the uintptr_t after the first one
, ThisPointersCount - 1);
        } = & Other.getSmall();
      } else {
        const LargeStorage &OtherLarge = Other.getLarge();
        size_t OtherPointersCount = OtherLarge.wordCount();

        if (ThisPointersCount > OtherPointersCount) {
          // Zero out all the uintptr_t after OtherPointersCount
                     ThisPointersCount - OtherPointersCount);

        unsigned Max = std::min(OtherPointersCount, ThisPointersCount);
        for (unsigned I = 0; I < Max; I++)
 = &;

    return *this;

  LazySmallBitVector &operator>>=(unsigned Amount) {
    revng_assert(Amount <= capacity());

    if (isSmall()) {
      Storage >>= Amount;
      Storage |= 1;
      return *this;

    LargeStorage &Large = getLarge();

    if (Amount == Large.capacity()) {;
      return *this;

    unsigned SourceIndex = Amount / BitsPerPointer;
    unsigned Count = Large.wordCount() - SourceIndex;

    auto Destination = [&Large](unsigned I) -> uintptr_t & {

    auto Source = [SourceIndex, &Large](unsigned I) -> uintptr_t & {
      return + I);

    unsigned Bits = Amount % BitsPerPointer;
    unsigned OtherBits = BitsPerPointer - Bits;

    // Shift all the word except the last one
    unsigned I = 0;
    for (; I < Count - 1; I++)
      Destination(I) = Source(I) >> Bits | (Source(I + 1) << OtherBits);

    Destination(I) = Source(I) >> Bits;

    if (SourceIndex > 0) + 1);

    return *this;

  LazySmallBitVector &operator<<=(unsigned Amount) {
    // Get the current amount of bits
    unsigned RequiredBits = requiredBits();

    if (isSmall()) {
      unsigned NewSize = RequiredBits + Amount;

      if (NewSize <= BitsPerPointer) {
        // We fit where we are
        Storage = Storage & ~1;
        Storage <<= Amount;
        Storage |= 1;
        return *this;
      } else {
        // We have to enlarge

    LargeStorage &Large = getLarge();

    // Is it all zeros? Do nothing.
    if (RequiredBits == 0)
      return *this;

    // Enlarge, if required
    RequiredBits += Amount;
    if (RequiredBits > Large.capacity())
      alloc(RequiredBits + 1);

    LargeStorage &NewLarge = getLarge();

    unsigned ToSkip = Amount / BitsPerPointer;
    auto Destination = [ToSkip, &NewLarge](unsigned I) -> uintptr_t & {
      return + I);

    auto Source = [&NewLarge](unsigned I) -> uintptr_t & {

    unsigned Bits = Amount % BitsPerPointer;
    unsigned OtherBits = BitsPerPointer - Bits;
    for (signed I = NewLarge.wordCount() - 1 - ToSkip; I >= 0 + 1; I--)
      Destination(I) = (Source(I) << Bits) | (Source(I - 1) >> OtherBits);

    Destination(0) = Source(0) << Bits;

    if (ToSkip > 0), ToSkip);

    return *this;

  /// \brief Returns the 1-based index of the next set bit after \p StartIndex
  /// \return 0 if no bits are set after \p StartIndex, the 1-based index of the
  ///         next bit set otherwise
  unsigned findNext(unsigned StartIndex) const {
    if (StartIndex >= requiredBits())
      return 0;

    if (isSmall()) {
      return StartIndex + findFirstBit(getSmall() >> StartIndex);
    } else {
      const LargeStorage &Large = getLarge();
      unsigned Index = StartIndex / BitsPerPointer;
      unsigned ShiftAmount = StartIndex % BitsPerPointer;

      uintptr_t FirstValue = >> ShiftAmount;
      if (FirstValue != 0)
        return StartIndex + findFirstBit(FirstValue);

      do {
        if (Index * BitsPerPointer >= capacity())
          return 0;
      } while ( == 0);

      return Index * BitsPerPointer + findFirstBit(;

  const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(this); }
  const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(this, 0); }

  iterator begin() { return iterator(this); }
  iterator end() { return iterator(this, 0); }

  ~LazySmallBitVector() {
    if (!isSmall())
    Storage = 0;

  friend iterator;
  friend const_iterator;

  uintptr_t getSmall() const {
    return Storage >> 1;

  void setSmall(uintptr_t Value) {
    Storage = (Value << 1) | 1;

  size_t capacity() const {
    if (isSmall())
      return BitsPerPointer - 1;
      return getLarge().capacity();

  void alloc(size_t NewSize) {
    revng_assert(NewSize > capacity());

    // Allocate the maximum between the requested index and twice the current
    // capacity (rounding to the size of a uintptr_t)
    size_t RequestedBits = std::max(NewSize, 2 * capacity());
    size_t PointersCount = excessDivide(RequestedBits, BitsPerPointer);

    // The `- 1` is due to the fact that LargeStorage already includes an
    // uintptr_t entry
    size_t ExtraSize = (PointersCount - 1) * sizeof(uintptr_t);
    void *Ptr = malloc(sizeof(LargeStorage) + ExtraSize);
    revng_assert(Ptr != nullptr);
    LargeStorage &Result = *reinterpret_cast<LargeStorage *>(Ptr);

    // Initialize the Capacity field
    Result.setCapacity(PointersCount * BitsPerPointer);
    // Zero out the storage;

    // Copy the old values into the new storage
    if (isSmall()) { = getSmall();
    } else {
      LargeStorage &Old = getLarge();
      Result = Old;

      // Also, deallocate the old storage

    Storage = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&Result);

  LargeStorage &getLarge() {
    return *reinterpret_cast<LargeStorage *>(Storage);

  const LargeStorage &getLarge() const {
    return *reinterpret_cast<const LargeStorage *>(Storage);

  uintptr_t Storage;

template<typename LSBV>
inline void LazySmallBitVectorIterator<LSBV>::increment() {
  revng_assert(BitVector != nullptr);
  revng_assert(NextBitIndex == 0 || (*BitVector)[NextBitIndex - 1] == true);

  NextBitIndex = BitVector->findNext(NextBitIndex);

#define LSBVI LazySmallBitVectorIterator

template<typename LSBV>
inline LSBVI<LSBV>::LSBVI(LSBV *BitVector) :
  NextBitIndex(0) {

  revng_assert(BitVector != nullptr);
  if (!BitVector->isZero())

template<typename LSBV>
inline LSBVI<LSBV>::LSBVI(LSBV *BitVector, unsigned Index) :
  NextBitIndex(Index) {
  revng_assert(BitVector != nullptr);

#undef LSBVI