// This file is distributed under the MIT License. See for details.
// Standard includes
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <string>
// LLVM includes
#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
// Local includes
#include "ptcdump.h"
#include "revamb.h"
namespace llvm {
class AllocaInst;
class BasicBlock;
class DataLayout;
class GlobalVariable;
class Module;
class StructType;
class Value;
class VariableManager;
/// \brief LLVM pass to change all the access to the CPU state to the
/// corresponding global variables.
/// If it's not possible to determine statically which part of the CPU is being
/// accessed an abort is emitted.
/// This pass also performs heavy specialization in case an helper is invoked
/// with different constant parameters.
class CorrectCPUStateUsagePass : public llvm::ModulePass {
static char ID;
CorrectCPUStateUsagePass() :
EnvOffset(0) { }
CorrectCPUStateUsagePass(VariableManager *Variables, unsigned EnvOffset) :
EnvOffset(EnvOffset) { }
bool runOnModule(llvm::Module& TheModule) override;
VariableManager *Variables;
unsigned EnvOffset;
/// \brief Maintain the list of variables required by PTC
/// It can be queried for a variable, which, if not already existing, will be
/// created on the fly.
class VariableManager {
VariableManager(llvm::Module& TheModule,
llvm::Module& HelpersModule,
Architecture &TargetArchitecture);
friend class CorrectCPUStateUsagePass;
/// \brief Get or create the LLVM value associated to a PTC temporary
/// Given a PTC temporary identifier, checks if it already exists in the
/// generated LLVM IR, and, if not, it creates it.
/// \param TemporaryId the PTC temporary identifier.
/// \return a `Value` wrapping the requested global or local variable.
// TODO: rename to getByTemporaryId
llvm::Value *getOrCreate(unsigned TemporaryId, bool Reading);
/// \brief Return the global variable corresponding to \p Offset in the CPU
/// state.
/// \param Offset the offset in the CPU state (the `env` PTC variable).
/// \param Name an optional name to force for the associate global variable.
/// \return a pair composed by the request global variable and the offset in
/// it corresponding to \p Offset. For instance, if you're accessing
/// the third byte of a 32-bit integer it will 2.
unsigned> getByEnvOffset(intptr_t Offset,
std::string Name="") {
return getByCPUStateOffsetInternal(EnvOffset + Offset, Name);
/// \brief Notify VariableManager to reset all the "function"-specific
/// information
/// Informs the VariableManager that a new function has begun, so it can
/// discard function- and basic block-level variables.
/// Note: by "function" here we mean a function in PTC terms, i.e. a run of
/// code translated in a single shot by the TCG. Do not confuse this
/// function concept with other meanings.
/// \param Delimiter the new point where to insert allocations for local
/// \param Instructions the new PTCInstructionList to use from now on.
void newFunction(llvm::Instruction *Delimiter=nullptr,
PTCInstructionList *Instructions=nullptr);
/// Informs the VariableManager that a new basic block has begun, so it can
/// discard basic block-level variables.
/// \param Delimiter the new point where to insert allocations for local
/// variables.
/// \param Instructions the new PTCInstructionList to use from now on.
void newBasicBlock(llvm::Instruction *Delimiter=nullptr,
PTCInstructionList *Instructions=nullptr);
void newBasicBlock(llvm::BasicBlock *Delimiter,
PTCInstructionList *Instructions=nullptr);
/// Returns true if the given variable is the env variable
bool isEnv(llvm::Value *TheValue);
CorrectCPUStateUsagePass *createCorrectCPUStateUsagePass() {
return new CorrectCPUStateUsagePass(this, EnvOffset);
llvm::Value *computeEnvAddress(llvm::Type *TargetType,
llvm::Instruction *InsertBefore,
unsigned Offset = 0);
void setDataLayout(const llvm::DataLayout *NewLayout) {
ModuleLayout = NewLayout;
template<typename T>
T *setAliasScope(T *Instruction);
template<typename T>
T *setNoAlias(T *Instruction);
std::vector<llvm::AllocaInst *> locals() {
std::vector<llvm::AllocaInst *> Locals;
for (auto Pair : LocalTemporaries)
return Locals;
llvm::Value *loadFromEnvOffset(llvm::IRBuilder<> &Builder,
unsigned LoadSize,
unsigned Offset) {
return loadFromCPUStateOffset(Builder, LoadSize, EnvOffset + Offset);
bool storeToEnvOffset(llvm::IRBuilder<> &Builder,
unsigned StoreSize,
unsigned Offset,
llvm::Value *ToStore) {
unsigned ActualOffset = EnvOffset + Offset;
return storeToCPUStateOffset(Builder, StoreSize, ActualOffset, ToStore);
/// \brief Perform finalization steps on variables
/// \param ExternalCSVs true if CSVs linkage should not be turned into static.
void finalize(bool ExternalCSVs) {
if (!ExternalCSVs) {
for (auto P : CPUStateGlobals)
for (auto P : OtherGlobals)
llvm::Value *loadFromCPUStateOffset(llvm::IRBuilder<> &Builder,
unsigned LoadSize,
unsigned Offset);
bool storeToCPUStateOffset(llvm::IRBuilder<> &Builder,
unsigned StoreSize,
unsigned Offset,
llvm::Value *ToStore);
llvm::GlobalVariable *getByCPUStateOffset(intptr_t Offset,
std::string Name="");
std::pair<llvm::GlobalVariable*, unsigned>
getByCPUStateOffsetInternal(intptr_t Offset,
std::string Name="");
llvm::Module& TheModule;
llvm::IRBuilder<> Builder;
using TemporariesMap = std::map<unsigned int, llvm::AllocaInst *>;
using GlobalsMap = std::map<intptr_t, llvm::GlobalVariable *>;
GlobalsMap CPUStateGlobals;
GlobalsMap OtherGlobals;
TemporariesMap Temporaries;
TemporariesMap LocalTemporaries;
PTCInstructionList *Instructions;
llvm::StructType *CPUStateType;
const llvm::DataLayout *ModuleLayout;
unsigned EnvOffset;
llvm::Value *Env;
unsigned AliasScopeMDKindID;
unsigned NoAliasMDKindID;
llvm::MDNode *CPUStateScopeSet;
Architecture &TargetArchitecture;