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DWARFDebugInfoTest.cpp 48.5 KiB
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//===- llvm/unittest/DebugInfo/DWARFFormValueTest.cpp ---------------------===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.

#include "DwarfGenerator.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFAbbreviationDeclaration.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFContext.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFFormValue.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFUnit.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Dwarf.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Host.h"
#include "llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include <climits>

using namespace llvm;
using namespace dwarf;

namespace {

void initLLVMIfNeeded() {
  static bool gInitialized = false;
  if (!gInitialized) {
    gInitialized = true;

Triple getHostTripleForAddrSize(uint8_t AddrSize) {
  Triple PT(Triple::normalize(LLVM_HOST_TRIPLE));

  if (AddrSize == 8 && PT.isArch32Bit())
    return PT.get64BitArchVariant();
  if (AddrSize == 4 && PT.isArch64Bit())
    return PT.get32BitArchVariant();
  return PT;

/// Take any llvm::Expected and check and handle any errors.
/// \param Expected a llvm::Excepted instance to check.
/// \returns true if there were errors, false otherwise.
template <typename T>
static bool HandleExpectedError(T &Expected) {
  std::string ErrorMsg;
  handleAllErrors(Expected.takeError(), [&](const llvm::ErrorInfoBase &EI) {
    ErrorMsg = EI.message();
  if (!ErrorMsg.empty()) {
    ::testing::AssertionFailure() << "error: " << ErrorMsg;
    return true;
  return false;

template <uint16_t Version, class AddrType, class RefAddrType>
void TestAllForms() {
  // Test that we can decode all DW_FORM values correctly.

  const uint8_t AddrSize = sizeof(AddrType);
  const AddrType AddrValue = (AddrType)0x0123456789abcdefULL;
  const uint8_t BlockData[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0};
  const uint32_t BlockSize = sizeof(BlockData);
  const RefAddrType RefAddr = 0x12345678;
  const uint8_t Data1 = 0x01U;
  const uint16_t Data2 = 0x2345U;
  const uint32_t Data4 = 0x6789abcdU;
  const uint64_t Data8 = 0x0011223344556677ULL;
  const uint64_t Data8_2 = 0xAABBCCDDEEFF0011ULL;
  const int64_t SData = INT64_MIN;
  const int64_t ICSData = INT64_MAX; // DW_FORM_implicit_const SData
  const uint64_t UData[] = {UINT64_MAX - 1, UINT64_MAX - 2, UINT64_MAX - 3,
                            UINT64_MAX - 4, UINT64_MAX - 5, UINT64_MAX - 6,
                            UINT64_MAX - 7, UINT64_MAX - 8, UINT64_MAX - 9};
#define UDATA_1 18446744073709551614ULL
  const uint32_t Dwarf32Values[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
  const char *StringValue = "Hello";
  const char *StrpValue = "World";
  Triple Triple = getHostTripleForAddrSize(AddrSize);
  auto ExpectedDG = dwarfgen::Generator::create(Triple, Version);
  if (HandleExpectedError(ExpectedDG))
  dwarfgen::Generator *DG = ExpectedDG.get().get();
  dwarfgen::CompileUnit &CU = DG->addCompileUnit();
  dwarfgen::DIE CUDie = CU.getUnitDIE();
  uint16_t Attr = DW_AT_lo_user;

  // Test address forms
  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_addr = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_addr, DW_FORM_addr, AddrValue);

  // Test block forms
  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_block = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_block, DW_FORM_block, BlockData, BlockSize);

  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_block1 = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_block1, DW_FORM_block1, BlockData, BlockSize);

  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_block2 = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_block2, DW_FORM_block2, BlockData, BlockSize);

  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_block4 = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_block4, DW_FORM_block4, BlockData, BlockSize);

  // Test data forms
  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_data1 = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_data1, DW_FORM_data1, Data1);

  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_data2 = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_data2, DW_FORM_data2, Data2);

  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_data4 = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_data4, DW_FORM_data4, Data4);

  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_data8 = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_data8, DW_FORM_data8, Data8);

  // Test string forms
  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_string = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_string, DW_FORM_string, StringValue);

  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_strp = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_strp, DW_FORM_strp, StrpValue);

  // Test reference forms
  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_ref_addr = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_ref_addr, DW_FORM_ref_addr, RefAddr);

  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_ref1 = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_ref1, DW_FORM_ref1, Data1);

  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_ref2 = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_ref2, DW_FORM_ref2, Data2);

  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_ref4 = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_ref4, DW_FORM_ref4, Data4);

  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_ref8 = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_ref8, DW_FORM_ref8, Data8);

  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_ref_sig8 = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_ref_sig8, DW_FORM_ref_sig8, Data8_2);

  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_ref_udata = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_ref_udata, DW_FORM_ref_udata, UData[0]);

  // Test flag forms
  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_flag_true = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_flag_true, DW_FORM_flag, true);

  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_flag_false = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_flag_false, DW_FORM_flag, false);

  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_flag_present = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_flag_present, DW_FORM_flag_present);

  // Test SLEB128 based forms
  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_sdata = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_sdata, DW_FORM_sdata, SData);

  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_implicit_const =
  if (Version >= 5)
    CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_implicit_const, DW_FORM_implicit_const,

  // Test ULEB128 based forms
  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_udata = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_udata, DW_FORM_udata, UData[0]);

  // Test DWARF32/DWARF64 forms
  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_GNU_ref_alt = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_GNU_ref_alt, DW_FORM_GNU_ref_alt,

  const auto Attr_DW_FORM_sec_offset = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_DW_FORM_sec_offset, DW_FORM_sec_offset,

  // Add an address at the end to make sure we can decode this value
  const auto Attr_Last = static_cast<dwarf::Attribute>(Attr++);
  CUDie.addAttribute(Attr_Last, DW_FORM_addr, AddrValue);

  // Generate the DWARF
  StringRef FileBytes = DG->generate();
  MemoryBufferRef FileBuffer(FileBytes, "dwarf");
  auto Obj = object::ObjectFile::createObjectFile(FileBuffer);
  DWARFContextInMemory DwarfContext(*Obj.get());
  uint32_t NumCUs = DwarfContext.getNumCompileUnits();
  EXPECT_EQ(NumCUs, 1u);
  DWARFCompileUnit *U = DwarfContext.getCompileUnitAtIndex(0);
  auto DieDG = U->getUnitDIE(false);

  // Test address forms
  EXPECT_EQ(DieDG.getAttributeValueAsAddress(Attr_DW_FORM_addr, 0),

  // Test block forms
  ArrayRef<uint8_t> ExtractedBlockData;
  Optional<ArrayRef<uint8_t>> BlockDataOpt;

  FormValue = DieDG.getAttributeValue(Attr_DW_FORM_block);
  BlockDataOpt = FormValue->getAsBlock();
  ExtractedBlockData = BlockDataOpt.getValue();
  EXPECT_EQ(ExtractedBlockData.size(), BlockSize);
  EXPECT_TRUE(memcmp(, BlockData, BlockSize) == 0);

  FormValue = DieDG.getAttributeValue(Attr_DW_FORM_block1);
  BlockDataOpt = FormValue->getAsBlock();
  ExtractedBlockData = BlockDataOpt.getValue();
  EXPECT_EQ(ExtractedBlockData.size(), BlockSize);
  EXPECT_TRUE(memcmp(, BlockData, BlockSize) == 0);

  FormValue = DieDG.getAttributeValue(Attr_DW_FORM_block2);
  BlockDataOpt = FormValue->getAsBlock();
  ExtractedBlockData = BlockDataOpt.getValue();
  EXPECT_EQ(ExtractedBlockData.size(), BlockSize);
  EXPECT_TRUE(memcmp(, BlockData, BlockSize) == 0);

  FormValue = DieDG.getAttributeValue(Attr_DW_FORM_block4);
  BlockDataOpt = FormValue->getAsBlock();
  ExtractedBlockData = BlockDataOpt.getValue();
  EXPECT_EQ(ExtractedBlockData.size(), BlockSize);
  EXPECT_TRUE(memcmp(, BlockData, BlockSize) == 0);

  // Test data forms
      DieDG.getAttributeValueAsUnsignedConstant(Attr_DW_FORM_data1, 0),
      DieDG.getAttributeValueAsUnsignedConstant(Attr_DW_FORM_data2, 0),
      DieDG.getAttributeValueAsUnsignedConstant(Attr_DW_FORM_data4, 0),
      DieDG.getAttributeValueAsUnsignedConstant(Attr_DW_FORM_data8, 0),

  // Test string forms
  const char *ExtractedStringValue =
      DieDG.getAttributeValueAsString(Attr_DW_FORM_string, nullptr);
  EXPECT_TRUE(ExtractedStringValue != nullptr);
  EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(StringValue, ExtractedStringValue) == 0);

  const char *ExtractedStrpValue =
      DieDG.getAttributeValueAsString(Attr_DW_FORM_strp, nullptr);
  EXPECT_TRUE(ExtractedStrpValue != nullptr);
  EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(StrpValue, ExtractedStrpValue) == 0);

  // Test reference forms
  EXPECT_EQ(DieDG.getAttributeValueAsReference(Attr_DW_FORM_ref_addr, 0),
  EXPECT_EQ(DieDG.getAttributeValueAsReference(Attr_DW_FORM_ref1, 0),
  EXPECT_EQ(DieDG.getAttributeValueAsReference(Attr_DW_FORM_ref2, 0),
  EXPECT_EQ(DieDG.getAttributeValueAsReference(Attr_DW_FORM_ref4, 0),
  EXPECT_EQ(DieDG.getAttributeValueAsReference(Attr_DW_FORM_ref8, 0),
  EXPECT_EQ(DieDG.getAttributeValueAsReference(Attr_DW_FORM_ref_sig8, 0),
  EXPECT_EQ(DieDG.getAttributeValueAsReference(Attr_DW_FORM_ref_udata, 0),

  // Test flag forms
                Attr_DW_FORM_flag_true, 0ULL),
                Attr_DW_FORM_flag_false, 1ULL),
                Attr_DW_FORM_flag_present, 0ULL),

  // Test SLEB128 based forms
  EXPECT_EQ(DieDG.getAttributeValueAsSignedConstant(Attr_DW_FORM_sdata, 0),
  if (Version >= 5)
              Attr_DW_FORM_implicit_const, 0), ICSData);

  // Test ULEB128 based forms
      DieDG.getAttributeValueAsUnsignedConstant(Attr_DW_FORM_udata, 0),

  // Test DWARF32/DWARF64 forms
      DieDG.getAttributeValueAsReference(Attr_DW_FORM_GNU_ref_alt, 0),
      DieDG.getAttributeValueAsSectionOffset(Attr_DW_FORM_sec_offset, 0),

  // Add an address at the end to make sure we can decode this value
  EXPECT_EQ(DieDG.getAttributeValueAsAddress(Attr_Last, 0), AddrValue);

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version2Addr4AllForms) {
  // Test that we can decode all forms for DWARF32, version 2, with 4 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint32_t AddrType;
  // DW_FORM_ref_addr are the same as the address type in DWARF32 version 2.
  typedef AddrType RefAddrType;
  TestAllForms<2, AddrType, RefAddrType>();

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version2Addr8AllForms) {
  // Test that we can decode all forms for DWARF32, version 2, with 4 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint64_t AddrType;
  // DW_FORM_ref_addr are the same as the address type in DWARF32 version 2.
  typedef AddrType RefAddrType;
  TestAllForms<2, AddrType, RefAddrType>();

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version3Addr4AllForms) {
  // Test that we can decode all forms for DWARF32, version 3, with 4 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint32_t AddrType;
  // DW_FORM_ref_addr are 4 bytes in DWARF32 for version 3 and later.
  typedef uint32_t RefAddrType;
  TestAllForms<3, AddrType, RefAddrType>();

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version3Addr8AllForms) {
  // Test that we can decode all forms for DWARF32, version 3, with 8 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint64_t AddrType;
  // DW_FORM_ref_addr are 4 bytes in DWARF32 for version 3 and later
  typedef uint32_t RefAddrType;
  TestAllForms<3, AddrType, RefAddrType>();

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version4Addr4AllForms) {
  // Test that we can decode all forms for DWARF32, version 4, with 4 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint32_t AddrType;
  // DW_FORM_ref_addr are 4 bytes in DWARF32 for version 3 and later
  typedef uint32_t RefAddrType;
  TestAllForms<4, AddrType, RefAddrType>();

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version4Addr8AllForms) {
  // Test that we can decode all forms for DWARF32, version 4, with 8 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint64_t AddrType;
  // DW_FORM_ref_addr are 4 bytes in DWARF32 for version 3 and later
  typedef uint32_t RefAddrType;
  TestAllForms<4, AddrType, RefAddrType>();

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version5Addr4AllForms) {
  // Test that we can decode all forms for DWARF32, version 5, with 4 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint32_t AddrType;
  // DW_FORM_ref_addr are 4 bytes in DWARF32 for version 3 and later
  typedef uint32_t RefAddrType;
  TestAllForms<5, AddrType, RefAddrType>();

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version5Addr8AllForms) {
  // Test that we can decode all forms for DWARF32, version 5, with 8 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint64_t AddrType;
  // DW_FORM_ref_addr are 4 bytes in DWARF32 for version 3 and later
  typedef uint32_t RefAddrType;
  TestAllForms<5, AddrType, RefAddrType>();

template <uint16_t Version, class AddrType> void TestChildren() {
  // Test that we can decode DW_FORM_ref_addr values correctly in DWARF 2 with
  // 4 byte addresses. DW_FORM_ref_addr values should be 4 bytes when using
  // 8 byte addresses.

  const uint8_t AddrSize = sizeof(AddrType);
  Triple Triple = getHostTripleForAddrSize(AddrSize);
  auto ExpectedDG = dwarfgen::Generator::create(Triple, Version);
  if (HandleExpectedError(ExpectedDG))
  dwarfgen::Generator *DG = ExpectedDG.get().get();
  dwarfgen::CompileUnit &CU = DG->addCompileUnit();
  dwarfgen::DIE CUDie = CU.getUnitDIE();

  CUDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_name, DW_FORM_strp, "/tmp/main.c");
  CUDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_language, DW_FORM_data2, DW_LANG_C);

  dwarfgen::DIE SubprogramDie = CUDie.addChild(DW_TAG_subprogram);
  SubprogramDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_name, DW_FORM_strp, "main");
  SubprogramDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_low_pc, DW_FORM_addr, 0x1000U);
  SubprogramDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_high_pc, DW_FORM_addr, 0x2000U);

  dwarfgen::DIE IntDie = CUDie.addChild(DW_TAG_base_type);
  IntDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_name, DW_FORM_strp, "int");
  IntDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_encoding, DW_FORM_data1, DW_ATE_signed);
  IntDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_byte_size, DW_FORM_data1, 4);

  dwarfgen::DIE ArgcDie = SubprogramDie.addChild(DW_TAG_formal_parameter);
  ArgcDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_name, DW_FORM_strp, "argc");
  // ArgcDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_type, DW_FORM_ref4, IntDie);
  ArgcDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_type, DW_FORM_ref_addr, IntDie);

  StringRef FileBytes = DG->generate();
  MemoryBufferRef FileBuffer(FileBytes, "dwarf");
  auto Obj = object::ObjectFile::createObjectFile(FileBuffer);
  DWARFContextInMemory DwarfContext(*Obj.get());

  // Verify the number of compile units is correct.
  uint32_t NumCUs = DwarfContext.getNumCompileUnits();
  EXPECT_EQ(NumCUs, 1u);
  DWARFCompileUnit *U = DwarfContext.getCompileUnitAtIndex(0);

  // Get the compile unit DIE is valid.
  auto DieDG = U->getUnitDIE(false);
  // DieDG.dump(llvm::outs(), U, UINT32_MAX);

  // Verify the first child of the compile unit DIE is our subprogram.
  auto SubprogramDieDG = DieDG.getFirstChild();
  EXPECT_EQ(SubprogramDieDG.getTag(), DW_TAG_subprogram);

  // Verify the first child of the subprogram is our formal parameter.
  auto ArgcDieDG = SubprogramDieDG.getFirstChild();
  EXPECT_EQ(ArgcDieDG.getTag(), DW_TAG_formal_parameter);

  // Verify our formal parameter has a NULL tag sibling.
  auto NullDieDG = ArgcDieDG.getSibling();
  if (NullDieDG) {
    EXPECT_EQ(NullDieDG.getTag(), DW_TAG_null);

  // Verify the sibling of our subprogram is our integer base type.
  auto IntDieDG = SubprogramDieDG.getSibling();
  EXPECT_EQ(IntDieDG.getTag(), DW_TAG_base_type);

  // Verify the sibling of our subprogram is our integer base is a NULL tag.
  NullDieDG = IntDieDG.getSibling();
  if (NullDieDG) {
    EXPECT_EQ(NullDieDG.getTag(), DW_TAG_null);

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version2Addr4Children) {
  // Test that we can decode all forms for DWARF32, version 2, with 4 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint32_t AddrType;
  TestChildren<2, AddrType>();

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version2Addr8Children) {
  // Test that we can decode all forms for DWARF32, version 2, with 8 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint64_t AddrType;
  TestChildren<2, AddrType>();

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version3Addr4Children) {
  // Test that we can decode all forms for DWARF32, version 3, with 4 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint32_t AddrType;
  TestChildren<3, AddrType>();

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version3Addr8Children) {
  // Test that we can decode all forms for DWARF32, version 3, with 8 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint64_t AddrType;
  TestChildren<3, AddrType>();

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version4Addr4Children) {
  // Test that we can decode all forms for DWARF32, version 4, with 4 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint32_t AddrType;
  TestChildren<4, AddrType>();

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version4Addr8Children) {
  // Test that we can decode all forms for DWARF32, version 4, with 8 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint64_t AddrType;
  TestChildren<4, AddrType>();

template <uint16_t Version, class AddrType> void TestReferences() {
  // Test that we can decode DW_FORM_refXXX values correctly in DWARF.

  const uint8_t AddrSize = sizeof(AddrType);
  Triple Triple = getHostTripleForAddrSize(AddrSize);
  auto ExpectedDG = dwarfgen::Generator::create(Triple, Version);
  if (HandleExpectedError(ExpectedDG))
  dwarfgen::Generator *DG = ExpectedDG.get().get();
  dwarfgen::CompileUnit &CU1 = DG->addCompileUnit();
  dwarfgen::CompileUnit &CU2 = DG->addCompileUnit();

  dwarfgen::DIE CU1Die = CU1.getUnitDIE();
  CU1Die.addAttribute(DW_AT_name, DW_FORM_strp, "/tmp/main.c");
  CU1Die.addAttribute(DW_AT_language, DW_FORM_data2, DW_LANG_C);

  dwarfgen::DIE CU1TypeDie = CU1Die.addChild(DW_TAG_base_type);
  CU1TypeDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_name, DW_FORM_strp, "int");
  CU1TypeDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_encoding, DW_FORM_data1, DW_ATE_signed);
  CU1TypeDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_byte_size, DW_FORM_data1, 4);

  dwarfgen::DIE CU1Ref1Die = CU1Die.addChild(DW_TAG_variable);
  CU1Ref1Die.addAttribute(DW_AT_name, DW_FORM_strp, "CU1Ref1");
  CU1Ref1Die.addAttribute(DW_AT_type, DW_FORM_ref1, CU1TypeDie);

  dwarfgen::DIE CU1Ref2Die = CU1Die.addChild(DW_TAG_variable);
  CU1Ref2Die.addAttribute(DW_AT_name, DW_FORM_strp, "CU1Ref2");
  CU1Ref2Die.addAttribute(DW_AT_type, DW_FORM_ref2, CU1TypeDie);

  dwarfgen::DIE CU1Ref4Die = CU1Die.addChild(DW_TAG_variable);
  CU1Ref4Die.addAttribute(DW_AT_name, DW_FORM_strp, "CU1Ref4");
  CU1Ref4Die.addAttribute(DW_AT_type, DW_FORM_ref4, CU1TypeDie);

  dwarfgen::DIE CU1Ref8Die = CU1Die.addChild(DW_TAG_variable);
  CU1Ref8Die.addAttribute(DW_AT_name, DW_FORM_strp, "CU1Ref8");
  CU1Ref8Die.addAttribute(DW_AT_type, DW_FORM_ref8, CU1TypeDie);

  dwarfgen::DIE CU1RefAddrDie = CU1Die.addChild(DW_TAG_variable);
  CU1RefAddrDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_name, DW_FORM_strp, "CU1RefAddr");
  CU1RefAddrDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_type, DW_FORM_ref_addr, CU1TypeDie);

  dwarfgen::DIE CU2Die = CU2.getUnitDIE();
  CU2Die.addAttribute(DW_AT_name, DW_FORM_strp, "/tmp/foo.c");
  CU2Die.addAttribute(DW_AT_language, DW_FORM_data2, DW_LANG_C);

  dwarfgen::DIE CU2TypeDie = CU2Die.addChild(DW_TAG_base_type);
  CU2TypeDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_name, DW_FORM_strp, "float");
  CU2TypeDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_encoding, DW_FORM_data1, DW_ATE_float);
  CU2TypeDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_byte_size, DW_FORM_data1, 4);

  dwarfgen::DIE CU2Ref1Die = CU2Die.addChild(DW_TAG_variable);
  CU2Ref1Die.addAttribute(DW_AT_name, DW_FORM_strp, "CU2Ref1");
  CU2Ref1Die.addAttribute(DW_AT_type, DW_FORM_ref1, CU2TypeDie);

  dwarfgen::DIE CU2Ref2Die = CU2Die.addChild(DW_TAG_variable);
  CU2Ref2Die.addAttribute(DW_AT_name, DW_FORM_strp, "CU2Ref2");
  CU2Ref2Die.addAttribute(DW_AT_type, DW_FORM_ref2, CU2TypeDie);

  dwarfgen::DIE CU2Ref4Die = CU2Die.addChild(DW_TAG_variable);
  CU2Ref4Die.addAttribute(DW_AT_name, DW_FORM_strp, "CU2Ref4");
  CU2Ref4Die.addAttribute(DW_AT_type, DW_FORM_ref4, CU2TypeDie);

  dwarfgen::DIE CU2Ref8Die = CU2Die.addChild(DW_TAG_variable);
  CU2Ref8Die.addAttribute(DW_AT_name, DW_FORM_strp, "CU2Ref8");
  CU2Ref8Die.addAttribute(DW_AT_type, DW_FORM_ref8, CU2TypeDie);

  dwarfgen::DIE CU2RefAddrDie = CU2Die.addChild(DW_TAG_variable);
  CU2RefAddrDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_name, DW_FORM_strp, "CU2RefAddr");
  CU2RefAddrDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_type, DW_FORM_ref_addr, CU2TypeDie);

  // Refer to a type in CU1 from CU2
  dwarfgen::DIE CU2ToCU1RefAddrDie = CU2Die.addChild(DW_TAG_variable);
  CU2ToCU1RefAddrDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_name, DW_FORM_strp, "CU2ToCU1RefAddr");
  CU2ToCU1RefAddrDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_type, DW_FORM_ref_addr, CU1TypeDie);

  // Refer to a type in CU2 from CU1
  dwarfgen::DIE CU1ToCU2RefAddrDie = CU1Die.addChild(DW_TAG_variable);
  CU1ToCU2RefAddrDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_name, DW_FORM_strp, "CU1ToCU2RefAddr");
  CU1ToCU2RefAddrDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_type, DW_FORM_ref_addr, CU2TypeDie);

  StringRef FileBytes = DG->generate();
  MemoryBufferRef FileBuffer(FileBytes, "dwarf");
  auto Obj = object::ObjectFile::createObjectFile(FileBuffer);
  DWARFContextInMemory DwarfContext(*Obj.get());

  // Verify the number of compile units is correct.
  uint32_t NumCUs = DwarfContext.getNumCompileUnits();
  EXPECT_EQ(NumCUs, 2u);
  DWARFCompileUnit *U1 = DwarfContext.getCompileUnitAtIndex(0);
  DWARFCompileUnit *U2 = DwarfContext.getCompileUnitAtIndex(1);

  // Get the compile unit DIE is valid.
  auto Unit1DieDG = U1->getUnitDIE(false);
  // Unit1DieDG.dump(llvm::outs(), UINT32_MAX);
  auto Unit2DieDG = U2->getUnitDIE(false);
  // Unit2DieDG.dump(llvm::outs(), UINT32_MAX);

  // Verify the first child of the compile unit 1 DIE is our int base type.
  auto CU1TypeDieDG = Unit1DieDG.getFirstChild();
  EXPECT_EQ(CU1TypeDieDG.getTag(), DW_TAG_base_type);
      CU1TypeDieDG.getAttributeValueAsUnsignedConstant(DW_AT_encoding, 0),

  // Verify the first child of the compile unit 2 DIE is our float base type.
  auto CU2TypeDieDG = Unit2DieDG.getFirstChild();
  EXPECT_EQ(CU2TypeDieDG.getTag(), DW_TAG_base_type);
      CU2TypeDieDG.getAttributeValueAsUnsignedConstant(DW_AT_encoding, 0),

  // Verify the sibling of the base type DIE is our Ref1 DIE and that its
  // DW_AT_type points to our base type DIE.
  auto CU1Ref1DieDG = CU1TypeDieDG.getSibling();
  EXPECT_EQ(CU1Ref1DieDG.getTag(), DW_TAG_variable);
  EXPECT_EQ(CU1Ref1DieDG.getAttributeValueAsReference(DW_AT_type, -1ULL),
  // Verify the sibling is our Ref2 DIE and that its DW_AT_type points to our
  // base type DIE in CU1.
  auto CU1Ref2DieDG = CU1Ref1DieDG.getSibling();
  EXPECT_EQ(CU1Ref2DieDG.getTag(), DW_TAG_variable);
  EXPECT_EQ(CU1Ref2DieDG.getAttributeValueAsReference(DW_AT_type, -1ULL),

  // Verify the sibling is our Ref4 DIE and that its DW_AT_type points to our
  // base type DIE in CU1.
  auto CU1Ref4DieDG = CU1Ref2DieDG.getSibling();
  EXPECT_EQ(CU1Ref4DieDG.getTag(), DW_TAG_variable);
  EXPECT_EQ(CU1Ref4DieDG.getAttributeValueAsReference(DW_AT_type, -1ULL),

  // Verify the sibling is our Ref8 DIE and that its DW_AT_type points to our
  // base type DIE in CU1.
  auto CU1Ref8DieDG = CU1Ref4DieDG.getSibling();
  EXPECT_EQ(CU1Ref8DieDG.getTag(), DW_TAG_variable);
  EXPECT_EQ(CU1Ref8DieDG.getAttributeValueAsReference(DW_AT_type, -1ULL),

  // Verify the sibling is our RefAddr DIE and that its DW_AT_type points to our
  // base type DIE in CU1.
  auto CU1RefAddrDieDG = CU1Ref8DieDG.getSibling();
  EXPECT_EQ(CU1RefAddrDieDG.getTag(), DW_TAG_variable);
      CU1RefAddrDieDG.getAttributeValueAsReference(DW_AT_type, -1ULL),

  // Verify the sibling of the Ref4 DIE is our RefAddr DIE and that its
  // DW_AT_type points to our base type DIE.
  auto CU1ToCU2RefAddrDieDG = CU1RefAddrDieDG.getSibling();
  EXPECT_EQ(CU1ToCU2RefAddrDieDG.getTag(), DW_TAG_variable);

  // Verify the sibling of the base type DIE is our Ref1 DIE and that its
  // DW_AT_type points to our base type DIE.
  auto CU2Ref1DieDG = CU2TypeDieDG.getSibling();
  EXPECT_EQ(CU2Ref1DieDG.getTag(), DW_TAG_variable);
  EXPECT_EQ(CU2Ref1DieDG.getAttributeValueAsReference(DW_AT_type, -1ULL),
  // Verify the sibling is our Ref2 DIE and that its DW_AT_type points to our
  // base type DIE in CU2.
  auto CU2Ref2DieDG = CU2Ref1DieDG.getSibling();
  EXPECT_EQ(CU2Ref2DieDG.getTag(), DW_TAG_variable);
  EXPECT_EQ(CU2Ref2DieDG.getAttributeValueAsReference(DW_AT_type, -1ULL),

  // Verify the sibling is our Ref4 DIE and that its DW_AT_type points to our
  // base type DIE in CU2.
  auto CU2Ref4DieDG = CU2Ref2DieDG.getSibling();
  EXPECT_EQ(CU2Ref4DieDG.getTag(), DW_TAG_variable);
  EXPECT_EQ(CU2Ref4DieDG.getAttributeValueAsReference(DW_AT_type, -1ULL),

  // Verify the sibling is our Ref8 DIE and that its DW_AT_type points to our
  // base type DIE in CU2.
  auto CU2Ref8DieDG = CU2Ref4DieDG.getSibling();
  EXPECT_EQ(CU2Ref8DieDG.getTag(), DW_TAG_variable);
  EXPECT_EQ(CU2Ref8DieDG.getAttributeValueAsReference(DW_AT_type, -1ULL),

  // Verify the sibling is our RefAddr DIE and that its DW_AT_type points to our
  // base type DIE in CU2.
  auto CU2RefAddrDieDG = CU2Ref8DieDG.getSibling();
  EXPECT_EQ(CU2RefAddrDieDG.getTag(), DW_TAG_variable);
      CU2RefAddrDieDG.getAttributeValueAsReference(DW_AT_type, -1ULL),

  // Verify the sibling of the Ref4 DIE is our RefAddr DIE and that its
  // DW_AT_type points to our base type DIE.
  auto CU2ToCU1RefAddrDieDG = CU2RefAddrDieDG.getSibling();
  EXPECT_EQ(CU2ToCU1RefAddrDieDG.getTag(), DW_TAG_variable);

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version2Addr4References) {
  // Test that we can decode all forms for DWARF32, version 2, with 4 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint32_t AddrType;
  TestReferences<2, AddrType>();

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version2Addr8References) {
  // Test that we can decode all forms for DWARF32, version 2, with 8 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint64_t AddrType;
  TestReferences<2, AddrType>();

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version3Addr4References) {
  // Test that we can decode all forms for DWARF32, version 3, with 4 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint32_t AddrType;
  TestReferences<3, AddrType>();

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version3Addr8References) {
  // Test that we can decode all forms for DWARF32, version 3, with 8 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint64_t AddrType;
  TestReferences<3, AddrType>();

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version4Addr4References) {
  // Test that we can decode all forms for DWARF32, version 4, with 4 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint32_t AddrType;
  TestReferences<4, AddrType>();

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version4Addr8References) {
  // Test that we can decode all forms for DWARF32, version 4, with 8 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint64_t AddrType;
  TestReferences<4, AddrType>();

template <uint16_t Version, class AddrType> void TestAddresses() {
  // Test the DWARF APIs related to accessing the DW_AT_low_pc and
  // DW_AT_high_pc.
  const uint8_t AddrSize = sizeof(AddrType);
  const bool SupportsHighPCAsOffset = Version >= 4;
  Triple Triple = getHostTripleForAddrSize(AddrSize);
  auto ExpectedDG = dwarfgen::Generator::create(Triple, Version);
  if (HandleExpectedError(ExpectedDG))
  dwarfgen::Generator *DG = ExpectedDG.get().get();
  dwarfgen::CompileUnit &CU = DG->addCompileUnit();
  dwarfgen::DIE CUDie = CU.getUnitDIE();
  CUDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_name, DW_FORM_strp, "/tmp/main.c");
  CUDie.addAttribute(DW_AT_language, DW_FORM_data2, DW_LANG_C);
  // Create a subprogram DIE with no low or high PC.
  dwarfgen::DIE SubprogramNoPC = CUDie.addChild(DW_TAG_subprogram);
  SubprogramNoPC.addAttribute(DW_AT_name, DW_FORM_strp, "no_pc");

  // Create a subprogram DIE with a low PC only.
  dwarfgen::DIE SubprogramLowPC = CUDie.addChild(DW_TAG_subprogram);
  SubprogramLowPC.addAttribute(DW_AT_name, DW_FORM_strp, "low_pc");
  const uint64_t ActualLowPC = 0x1000;
  const uint64_t ActualHighPC = 0x2000;
  const uint64_t ActualHighPCOffset = ActualHighPC - ActualLowPC;
  SubprogramLowPC.addAttribute(DW_AT_low_pc, DW_FORM_addr, ActualLowPC);

  // Create a subprogram DIE with a low and high PC.
  dwarfgen::DIE SubprogramLowHighPC = CUDie.addChild(DW_TAG_subprogram);
  SubprogramLowHighPC.addAttribute(DW_AT_name, DW_FORM_strp, "low_high_pc");
  SubprogramLowHighPC.addAttribute(DW_AT_low_pc, DW_FORM_addr, ActualLowPC);
  // Encode the high PC as an offset from the low PC if supported.
  if (SupportsHighPCAsOffset)
    SubprogramLowHighPC.addAttribute(DW_AT_high_pc, DW_FORM_data4,
    SubprogramLowHighPC.addAttribute(DW_AT_high_pc, DW_FORM_addr, ActualHighPC);
  StringRef FileBytes = DG->generate();
  MemoryBufferRef FileBuffer(FileBytes, "dwarf");
  auto Obj = object::ObjectFile::createObjectFile(FileBuffer);
  DWARFContextInMemory DwarfContext(*Obj.get());
  // Verify the number of compile units is correct.
  uint32_t NumCUs = DwarfContext.getNumCompileUnits();
  EXPECT_EQ(NumCUs, 1u);
  DWARFCompileUnit *U = DwarfContext.getCompileUnitAtIndex(0);
  // Get the compile unit DIE is valid.
  auto DieDG = U->getUnitDIE(false);
  // DieDG.dump(llvm::outs(), U, UINT32_MAX);
  uint64_t LowPC, HighPC;
  Optional<uint64_t> OptU64;
  // Verify the that our subprogram with no PC value fails appropriately when
  // asked for any PC values.
  auto SubprogramDieNoPC = DieDG.getFirstChild();
  EXPECT_EQ(SubprogramDieNoPC.getTag(), DW_TAG_subprogram);
  OptU64 = SubprogramDieNoPC.getAttributeValueAsAddress(DW_AT_low_pc);
  OptU64 = SubprogramDieNoPC.getAttributeValueAsAddress(DW_AT_high_pc);
  EXPECT_FALSE(SubprogramDieNoPC.getLowAndHighPC(LowPC, HighPC));
  OptU64 = SubprogramDieNoPC.getAttributeValueAsAddress(DW_AT_high_pc);
  OptU64 = SubprogramDieNoPC.getAttributeValueAsUnsignedConstant(DW_AT_high_pc);
  OptU64 = SubprogramDieNoPC.getHighPC(ActualLowPC);
  EXPECT_FALSE(SubprogramDieNoPC.getLowAndHighPC(LowPC, HighPC));
  // Verify the that our subprogram with only a low PC value succeeds when
  // we ask for the Low PC, but fails appropriately when asked for the high PC
  // or both low and high PC values.
  auto SubprogramDieLowPC = SubprogramDieNoPC.getSibling();
  EXPECT_EQ(SubprogramDieLowPC.getTag(), DW_TAG_subprogram);
  OptU64 = SubprogramDieLowPC.getAttributeValueAsAddress(DW_AT_low_pc);
  EXPECT_EQ(OptU64.getValue(), ActualLowPC);
  OptU64 = SubprogramDieLowPC.getAttributeValueAsAddress(DW_AT_high_pc);
  OptU64 = SubprogramDieLowPC.getAttributeValueAsUnsignedConstant(DW_AT_high_pc);
  OptU64 = SubprogramDieLowPC.getHighPC(ActualLowPC);
  EXPECT_FALSE(SubprogramDieLowPC.getLowAndHighPC(LowPC, HighPC));

  // Verify the that our subprogram with only a low PC value succeeds when
  // we ask for the Low PC, but fails appropriately when asked for the high PC
  // or both low and high PC values.
  auto SubprogramDieLowHighPC = SubprogramDieLowPC.getSibling();
  EXPECT_EQ(SubprogramDieLowHighPC.getTag(), DW_TAG_subprogram);
  OptU64 = SubprogramDieLowHighPC.getAttributeValueAsAddress(DW_AT_low_pc);
  EXPECT_EQ(OptU64.getValue(), ActualLowPC);
  // Get the high PC as an address. This should succeed if the high PC was
  // encoded as an address and fail if the high PC was encoded as an offset.
  OptU64 = SubprogramDieLowHighPC.getAttributeValueAsAddress(DW_AT_high_pc);
  if (SupportsHighPCAsOffset) {
  } else {
    EXPECT_EQ(OptU64.getValue(), ActualHighPC);
  // Get the high PC as an unsigned constant. This should succeed if the high PC
  // was encoded as an offset and fail if the high PC was encoded as an address.
  OptU64 = SubprogramDieLowHighPC.getAttributeValueAsUnsignedConstant(
  if (SupportsHighPCAsOffset) {
    EXPECT_EQ(OptU64.getValue(), ActualHighPCOffset);
  } else {

  OptU64 = SubprogramDieLowHighPC.getHighPC(ActualLowPC);
  EXPECT_EQ(OptU64.getValue(), ActualHighPC);

  EXPECT_TRUE(SubprogramDieLowHighPC.getLowAndHighPC(LowPC, HighPC));
  EXPECT_EQ(LowPC, ActualLowPC);
  EXPECT_EQ(HighPC, ActualHighPC);

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version2Addr4Addresses) {
  // Test that we can decode address values in DWARF32, version 2, with 4 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint32_t AddrType;
  TestAddresses<2, AddrType>();

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version2Addr8Addresses) {
  // Test that we can decode address values in DWARF32, version 2, with 8 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint64_t AddrType;
  TestAddresses<2, AddrType>();

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version3Addr4Addresses) {
  // Test that we can decode address values in DWARF32, version 3, with 4 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint32_t AddrType;
  TestAddresses<3, AddrType>();

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version3Addr8Addresses) {
  // Test that we can decode address values in DWARF32, version 3, with 8 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint64_t AddrType;
  TestAddresses<3, AddrType>();

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version4Addr4Addresses) {
  // Test that we can decode address values in DWARF32, version 4, with 4 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint32_t AddrType;
  TestAddresses<4, AddrType>();

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestDWARF32Version4Addr8Addresses) {
  // Test that we can decode address values in DWARF32, version 4, with 8 byte
  // addresses.
  typedef uint64_t AddrType;
  TestAddresses<4, AddrType>();

TEST(DWARFDebugInfo, TestRelations) {
  // Test the DWARF APIs related to accessing the DW_AT_low_pc and
  // DW_AT_high_pc.
  uint16_t Version = 4;