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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Bench backup block-job
# Copyright (c) 2020 Virtuozzo International GmbH.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import argparse
import json

import simplebench
from results_to_text import results_to_text
from bench_block_job import bench_block_copy, drv_file, drv_nbd, drv_qcow2

def bench_func(env, case):
    """ Handle one "cell" of benchmarking table. """
    cmd_options = env['cmd-options'] if 'cmd-options' in env else {}
    return bench_block_copy(env['qemu-binary'], env['cmd'],
                            case['source'], case['target'])

def bench(args):
    test_cases = []

    # paths with colon not supported, so we just split by ':'
    dirs = dict(d.split(':') for d in args.dir)

    nbd_drv = None
    if args.nbd:
        nbd = args.nbd.split(':')
        host = nbd[0]
        port = '10809' if len(nbd) == 1 else nbd[1]
        nbd_drv = drv_nbd(host, port)

    for t in args.test:
        src, dst = t.split(':')

        if src == 'nbd' and dst == 'nbd':
            raise ValueError("Can't use 'nbd' label for both src and dst")

        if (src == 'nbd' or dst == 'nbd') and not nbd_drv:
            raise ValueError("'nbd' label used but --nbd is not given")

        if src == 'nbd':
            source = nbd_drv
        elif args.qcow2_sources:
            source = drv_qcow2(drv_file(dirs[src] + '/test-source.qcow2'))
            source = drv_file(dirs[src] + '/test-source')

        if dst == 'nbd':
            test_cases.append({'id': t, 'source': source, 'target': nbd_drv})

        if args.target_cache == 'both':
            target_caches = ['direct', 'cached']
            target_caches = [args.target_cache]

        for c in target_caches:
            o_direct = c == 'direct'
            fname = dirs[dst] + '/test-target'
            if args.compressed:
                fname += '.qcow2'
            target = drv_file(fname, o_direct=o_direct)
            if args.compressed:
                target = drv_qcow2(target)

            test_id = t
            if args.target_cache == 'both':
                test_id += f'({c})'

            test_cases.append({'id': test_id, 'source': source,
                               'target': target})

    binaries = []  # list of (<label>, <path>, [<options>])
    for i, q in enumerate(args.env):
        name_path = q.split(':')
        if len(name_path) == 1:
            label = f'q{i}'
            path_opts = name_path[0].split(',')
            assert len(name_path) == 2  # paths with colon not supported
            label = name_path[0]
            path_opts = name_path[1].split(',')

        binaries.append((label, path_opts[0], path_opts[1:]))

    test_envs = []

    bin_paths = {}
    for i, q in enumerate(args.env):
        opts = q.split(',')
        label_path = opts[0]
        opts = opts[1:]

        if ':' in label_path:
            # path with colon inside is not supported
            label, path = label_path.split(':')
            bin_paths[label] = path
        elif label_path in bin_paths:
            label = label_path
            path = bin_paths[label]
            path = label_path
            label = f'q{i}'
            bin_paths[label] = path

        x_perf = {}
        is_mirror = False
        for opt in opts:
            if opt == 'mirror':
                is_mirror = True
            elif opt == 'copy-range=on':
                x_perf['use-copy-range'] = True
            elif opt == 'copy-range=off':
                x_perf['use-copy-range'] = False
            elif opt.startswith('max-workers='):
                x_perf['max-workers'] = int(opt.split('=')[1])

        backup_options = {}
        if x_perf:
            backup_options['x-perf'] = x_perf

        if args.compressed:
            backup_options['compress'] = True

        if is_mirror:
            assert not x_perf
                    'id': f'mirror({label})',
                    'cmd': 'blockdev-mirror',
                    'qemu-binary': path
                'id': f'backup({label})\n' + '\n'.join(opts),
                'cmd': 'blockdev-backup',
                'cmd-options': backup_options,
                'qemu-binary': path

    result = simplebench.bench(bench_func, test_envs, test_cases,
                               count=args.count, initial_run=args.initial_run,
    with open('results.json', 'w') as f:
        json.dump(result, f, indent=4)

class ExtendAction(argparse.Action):
    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
        items = getattr(namespace, self.dest) or []
        setattr(namespace, self.dest, items)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    p = argparse.ArgumentParser('Backup benchmark', epilog='''
ENV format


    LABEL                short name for the binary
    PATH                 path to the binary
    max-workers          set x-perf.max-workers of backup job
    use-copy-range       set x-perf.use-copy-range of backup job
    mirror               use mirror job instead of backup''',
    p.add_argument('--env', nargs='+', help='''\
Qemu binaries with labels and options, see below
"ENV format" section''',
    p.add_argument('--dir', nargs='+', help='''\
Directories, each containing "test-source" and/or
"test-target" files, raw images to used in
benchmarking. File path with label, like
    p.add_argument('--nbd', help='''\
host:port for remote NBD image, (or just host, for
default port 10809). Use it in tests, label is "nbd"
(but you cannot create test nbd:nbd).''')
    p.add_argument('--test', nargs='+', help='''\
Tests, in form source-dir-label:target-dir-label''',
    p.add_argument('--compressed', help='''\
Use compressed backup. It automatically means
automatically creating qcow2 target with
lazy_refcounts for each test run''', action='store_true')
    p.add_argument('--qcow2-sources', help='''\
Use test-source.qcow2 images as sources instead of
test-source raw images''', action='store_true')
    p.add_argument('--target-cache', help='''\
Setup cache for target nodes. Options:
   direct: default, use O_DIRECT and aio=native
   cached: use system cache (Qemu default) and aio=threads (Qemu default)
   both: generate two test cases for each src:dst pair''',
                   default='direct', choices=('direct', 'cached', 'both'))

    p.add_argument('--count', type=int, default=3, help='''\
Number of test runs per table cell''')

    # BooleanOptionalAction helps to support --no-initial-run option
    p.add_argument('--initial-run', action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction,
Do additional initial run per cell which doesn't count in result,
default true''')

    p.add_argument('--drop-caches', action='store_true', help='''\
Do "sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches" before each test run''')
