Forked from an inaccessible project.
Filippo Cremonese authoredFilippo Cremonese authored 2.07 KiB
from ..model.configuration import Configuration
from ..util import get_installed_build
def install_subcommand(sub_argparser):
cmd_parser = sub_argparser.add_parser("components", handler=handle_components)
cmd_parser.add_argument("component", nargs="?")
cmd_parser.add_argument("--installed", action="store_true", help="Only print installed components")
cmd_parser.add_argument("--not-installed", action="store_true", help="Only print not installed components")
def handle_components(args, config: Configuration):
if args.component:
build = config.get_build(args.component)
components = { build.component}
components = config.components
for component_name, component in components.items():
installed_build = get_installed_build(component_name, config)
if args.installed and installed_build \
or args.not_installed and installed_build is None \
or not args.installed and not args.not_installed:
print(f"Component {component_name}")
for build_name, build in component.builds.items():
infos = []
if installed_build == build_name:
if build is component.default_build:
if build.configure:
dependencies = [dep for dep in build.configure.dependencies]
if dependencies:
infos.append(f"config deps: {' '.join(d.name_for_components for d in dependencies)}")
if build.install:
dependencies = [dep for dep in build.install.dependencies if is not build]
if dependencies:
infos.append(f"install deps: {' '.join(d.name_for_components for d in dependencies)}")
infos.append(f"hash: {build.recursive_hash}")
infos_s = " ".join(f"[{i}]" for i in infos)
s = f" Build {build_name} {infos_s}"