# New Features: * Added option to show a confirmation dialog when moving entries/groups to the recycle bin. * [Auto-Type]( added workaround for applications with broken time-dependent message processing. * Auto-Type: added workaround for PuTTY's default Ctrl+Alt behavior (which differs from Windows' behavior). * Auto-Type: added configuration option to specify the default delay between two keypresses. * Added optional [sequence]( comments column in the auto-type entry selection dialog (in this column, only `[{C:...}` comments]( in the sequence are displayed; if a comment starts with '`!`', only this comment is shown). * If the option 'Automatically search [key files](' is activated, all drives are now scanned in parallel and any key files are added asynchronously (this avoids issues caused by slow network drives). * Added [trigger]( action 'Show entries by tag'. * `[{OPERA}`]( placeholder: updated detection code to also support the latest versions of Opera. * `[{T-CONV:...}`]( placeholder: added 'Uri' type (for converting the string to its URI-escaped representation). * [Synchronization]( functions are now available for remote databases, too. * Enhanced RoboForm [importer]( to additionally support the new file format. * Summary lists are now also available in delete confirmation dialogs on Unix-like systems and Windows XP and earlier. * Added workaround for Mono `Process` StdIn BOM bug. * [KPScript]( added '`refx-All`' option (matches all entries). * KPScript: added optional parameters '`setx-Expires`' and '`setx-ExpiryTime`' for the '`EditEntry`' command. # Improvements / Changes: * Improved database tab selection after closing an inactive database. * New just-in-time MRU files list. * Improved selection of entries created by the [password generator]( * The [internal text editor]( now determines the newline sequence that the data is using the most when opening it, and converts all newline sequences to the initial sequence when saving the data. * Improved realization of the `[{CLEARFIELD}`]( command (now using Bksp instead of Del, in order to avoid Ctrl+Alt+Del issues on newer Windows systems). * The note that deleting a group will also delete all subgroups and entries within this group is now only displayed if the group is not empty. * Improved GUI thread safety of the [update check]( dialog. * Improved HTML generation. * Improved version formatting. * On Unix-like systems, window state automations are now disabled during initial auto-type target window switches. * On Unix-like systems, the button to choose a password font is disabled now (because this is unsupported due to Mono bug 5795). * Various files (e.g. 'History.txt') are now encoded using UTF-8. * Improved build system. * Various code optimizations. * Minor other improvements. # Bugfixes: * In the 'Configure Columns' dialog, the activation states of [plugin]( columns are now preset correctly.
- Build/KeePassLibSD_Distrib/KeePassLibSD.dll 0 additions, 0 deletionsBuild/KeePassLibSD_Distrib/KeePassLibSD.dll
- Build/KeePassLib_Distrib/KeePassLib.dll 0 additions, 0 deletionsBuild/KeePassLib_Distrib/KeePassLib.dll
- Build/KeePassLib_Distrib/KeePassLib.xml 3 additions, 6 deletionsBuild/KeePassLib_Distrib/KeePassLib.xml
- Build/MakeDistribDebug.bat 0 additions, 38 deletionsBuild/MakeDistribDebug.bat
- Build/MakeDistribRelease.bat 0 additions, 39 deletionsBuild/MakeDistribRelease.bat
- Build/SnKeys_UseDummy.bat 0 additions, 16 deletionsBuild/SnKeys_UseDummy.bat
- Build/SnKeys_UsePrivate.bat 0 additions, 16 deletionsBuild/SnKeys_UsePrivate.bat
- Docs/Chm/KeePass.hhp 0 additions, 1 deletionDocs/Chm/KeePass.hhp
- Docs/Chm/help/base/credits.html 327 additions, 56 deletionsDocs/Chm/help/base/credits.html
- Docs/Chm/help/base/faq_tech.html 1 addition, 1 deletionDocs/Chm/help/base/faq_tech.html
- Docs/Chm/help/base/placeholders.html 3 additions, 1 deletionDocs/Chm/help/base/placeholders.html
- Docs/Chm/help/base/security.html 1 addition, 1 deletionDocs/Chm/help/base/security.html
- Docs/Chm/help/v2/autotype_obfuscation.html 4 additions, 4 deletionsDocs/Chm/help/v2/autotype_obfuscation.html
- Docs/Chm/help/v2/license.html 19 additions, 35 deletionsDocs/Chm/help/v2/license.html
- Docs/Chm/help/v2/setup.html 6 additions, 1 deletionDocs/Chm/help/v2/setup.html
- Docs/Chm/help/v2/triggers.html 7 additions, 0 deletionsDocs/Chm/help/v2/triggers.html
- Docs/Chm/help/v2/xml_replace.html 69 additions, 0 deletionsDocs/Chm/help/v2/xml_replace.html
- Docs/Chm/help/v2_dev/customize.html 17 additions, 2 deletionsDocs/Chm/help/v2_dev/customize.html
- Docs/Chm/help/v2_dev/scr_sc_index.html 26 additions, 11 deletionsDocs/Chm/help/v2_dev/scr_sc_index.html
- Docs/History.txt 66 additions, 1 deletionDocs/History.txt
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