# New Features: * The [URL override]( field in the entry editing dialog is now an editable combo box, where the drop-down list contains suggestions for browser overrides. * [Password quality estimations]( are now computed in separate threads to improve the UI responsiveness. * The password generator profile '[Automatically generated passwords for new entries](' is now available in the password generator context menu of the entry editing dialog. * Added `[UIFlags`]( bit for hiding built-in profiles in the password generator context menu of the entry editing dialog. * Tags can be included in printouts now. * [Generic CSV importer]( added support for importing tags. * Added support for [importing]( Norton Identity Safe 2013 CSV files. * Mozilla Bookmarks JSON import: added support for importing tags. * RoboForm import: URLs are now terminated using a '`/`', added support for the new file format and for the new note fields. * Added support for showing [modern task dialogs]( even when no form exists (requiring a theming activation context). * KeePass now terminates `CtfMon` child processes started by .NET/Windows, if they are not terminated automatically. * Added workarounds for '`#`', '`{`', '`}`', '`[`', '`]`', '`~`' and diaeresis .NET `SendKeys` issues. * Added workaround for '`xsel`' hanging on Unix-like systems. * Converted some PNG images as a workaround for a problem in Cairo/LibPNG on Unix-like systems. * Installer: the version is now shown in the 'Version' field of the item in the Windows 'Programs and Features' dialog. * TrlUtil: added 'Go to Next Untranslated' command. * TrlUtil: added shortcut keys. # Improvements / Changes: * The '[Open From URL](' dialog is now brought to the foreground when trying to perform [global auto-type]( while the database is locked and the main window is minimized to tray. * Profiles are now shown directly in the password generator context menu of the entry editing dialog. * After duplicating entries, KeePass now ensures that the copies are visible. * User names of [TAN entries]( are now [dereferenced](, if the option for showing dereferenced data in the main window is enabled. * When creating an entry from a template, the new entry is now selected and focused. * Empty fields are not included in detailed printouts anymore. * Enhanced Internet Explorer detection. * The '`-preselect`' [command line option]( now works together with relative database file paths. * Improved quoted app paths parsing. * Extended culture invariance. * Improved [synchronization]( performance. * Improved internal keypress routing. * Last access times by default are not shown in the UI anymore. * TrlUtil: improved dialog focusing when showing message boxes. * KeePassLib/KPScript: improved support for running on systems without any GUI. * Various code optimizations. * Minor other improvements. # Bugfixes: * Fixed a crash that could occur if the option 'Show expired entries (if any)' is enabled and a [trigger]( switches to a different [locked]( database when unlocking a database. * The tab bar is now updated correctly after closing an inactive database by middle-clicking its tab. * Column display orders that are unstable with respect to linear auto-adjusting assignment are now restored correctly.
- Build/KeePassLibSD_Distrib/KeePassLibSD.dll 0 additions, 0 deletionsBuild/KeePassLibSD_Distrib/KeePassLibSD.dll
- Build/KeePassLib_Distrib/KeePassLib.dll 0 additions, 0 deletionsBuild/KeePassLib_Distrib/KeePassLib.dll
- Build/KeePassLib_Distrib/KeePassLib.xml 9 additions, 27 deletionsBuild/KeePassLib_Distrib/KeePassLib.xml
- Docs/Chm/default.css 2 additions, 2 deletionsDocs/Chm/default.css
- Docs/Chm/help/base/autotype.html 3 additions, 1 deletionDocs/Chm/help/base/autotype.html
- Docs/Chm/help/base/fieldrefs.html 8 additions, 6 deletionsDocs/Chm/help/base/fieldrefs.html
- Docs/Chm/help/base/importexport.html 2 additions, 1 deletionDocs/Chm/help/base/importexport.html
- Docs/Chm/help/base/keys.html 39 additions, 18 deletionsDocs/Chm/help/base/keys.html
- Docs/Chm/help/base/placeholders.html 1 addition, 1 deletionDocs/Chm/help/base/placeholders.html
- Docs/Chm/help/v2_dev/customize.html 17 additions, 6 deletionsDocs/Chm/help/v2_dev/customize.html
- Docs/History.txt 67 additions, 0 deletionsDocs/History.txt
- Ext/KeePass.exe.config 2 additions, 2 deletionsExt/KeePass.exe.config
- Ext/KeePass.iss 6 additions, 4 deletionsExt/KeePass.iss
- Ext/KeePassMsi/KeePassMsi.vdproj 7 additions, 7 deletionsExt/KeePassMsi/KeePassMsi.vdproj
- KeePass/App/Configuration/AceCustomConfig.cs 7 additions, 4 deletionsKeePass/App/Configuration/AceCustomConfig.cs
- KeePass/App/Configuration/AceUI.cs 4 additions, 1 deletionKeePass/App/Configuration/AceUI.cs
- KeePass/DataExchange/FileFormatPool.cs 1 addition, 0 deletionsKeePass/DataExchange/FileFormatPool.cs
- KeePass/DataExchange/Formats/MozillaBookmarksJson100.cs 88 additions, 3 deletionsKeePass/DataExchange/Formats/MozillaBookmarksJson100.cs
- KeePass/DataExchange/Formats/NortonIdSafeCsv2013.cs 90 additions, 0 deletionsKeePass/DataExchange/Formats/NortonIdSafeCsv2013.cs
- KeePass/DataExchange/Formats/RoboFormHtml69.cs 68 additions, 6 deletionsKeePass/DataExchange/Formats/RoboFormHtml69.cs
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