# New Features: * New [generic CSV importer]( (now supports multi-line fields, '`\`' as escape character, field & record separators and the text qualifier can be specified, white space characters can be removed from the beginning/end of fields, the fields and their order can be defined, supported fields now are group name & standard fields like e.g. title & custom strings & times & ignore column, the first row can be ignored, KeePass initially tries to guess the fields and their order based on the first row). * Native master key transformations are now computed in two threads on 64-bit systems, too; on dual/multi core processors this results in almost twice the performance as before (by doubling the amount of rounds you'll get the same waiting time as in 2.18, but the [protection against dictionary and guessing attacks]( is doubled). * New XML configuration and translation deserializer to improve the startup performance. * Added option to require a password repetition only when hiding using asterisks is enabled (enabled by default). * Entry attachments can now be renamed using in-place label editing (click on an already selected item to show an edit box). * Empty entry attachments can now be created using 'Attach' -> 'Create Empty Attachment'. * Sizes of entry attachments are now shown in a column of the attachments list in the entry editing dialog. * Added `{ENV_PROGRAMFILES_X86}` [placeholder]( (this is `%ProgramFiles(x86)%`, if it exists, otherwise `%ProgramFiles%`). * Added [auto-type]( option 'An entry matches if one of its tags is contained in the target window title'. * URLs in HTML exports are now linkified. * [Import]( modules may now specify multiple default/equivalent file extensions (like e.g. '`htm`' and '`html`'). * Added support for reading texts encoded using UTF-32 Big Endian. * Enhanced text encoding detection (now detects UTF-32 LE/BE and UTF-16 LE/BE by zeros, improved UTF-8 detection, ...). * Added zoom function for images in internal data viewer. * Drop-down image buttons in the entry editing dialog are now marked using small black triangle overlays. * Added support for loading [key files]( from URLs. * Controls in the options dialog are now disabled when the options are enforced (using an enforced [configuration]( file). * If KeePass is started with the '`-debug`' [command line option](, KeePass now shows a developer-friendly error message when opening a database file fails. * Added 'Wait for exit' property in the 'Execute command line / URL' [trigger]( action. * The 'File exists' trigger condition now also supports URLs. * Added two file closing trigger events (one raised before and one after saving the database file). * [Plugins]( added file closing events. * Plugins: added events (`AutoType.Sequence*`) that allow plugins to provide auto-type sequence suggestions. * Added workaround to support loading data from version information files even when they have incorrectly been decompressed by a web filter. * Added workarounds for '`°`', '`|`' and '`£`' .NET `SendKeys` issues. * Added workaround for topmost window .NET/Windows issue (the 'Always on Top' option now works even when switching to a different window while KeePass is starting up). * Added workaround for Mono dialog event ordering bug. * Added workaround for Mono clipboard bugs on Mac OS X. * [KPScript]( added '`MoveEntry`', '`GetEntryString`' and '`GenPw`' commands. * KPScript: added '`-refx-UUID`' and '`-refx-Tags`' entry identification parameters. # Improvements / Changes: * When only deleting history entries (without changing any data field of an entry), no backup entry is created anymore. * Unified text encoding handling for internal data viewer and [editor](, generic CSV importer and text encoding selection dialog. * Improved font sizing in HTML exports/printouts. * Improved encoding of group names in HTML exports/printouts. * If an entry doesn't expire, 'Never expires' is now shown in the 'Expiry Time' column in HTML exports/printouts. * The expiry edit control now accepts incomplete edits and the 'Expires' checkbox is checked immediately. * The time component of the default expiry suggestion is now 00:00:00. * The last selected/focused item in the attachments list of the entry editing dialog is now selected/focused after editing an attachment. * Improved field to standard field mapping function. * Enhanced RoboForm importer to concatenate values of fields with conflicting names. * Updated importer. * Removed KeePass 1.x CSV importer; users should use the new generic CSV importer (which can import more data than the old specialized 1.x CSV importer). * When trying to open another database while a dialog is displayed, KeePass now just brings itself to the foreground without attempting to open the second database. * More list views use the Vista Explorer style. * Modifier keys without another key aren't registered as global hot key anymore. * Improved default suggestions for custom sequences in the [auto-type sequence]( editing dialog. * Improved default focus in the auto-type sequence editing dialog. * Added `{C:Comment}` placeholder in the auto-type sequence editing dialog. * On Unix-like systems, the `{GOOGLECHROME}` placeholder now first searches for Google Chrome and then (if not found) for Chromium. * Versions displayed in the update checking dialog now consist of at least two components. * Added '`@`' and '```' to the printable 7-bit ASCII [character set]( * Merged simple and extended special character spaces to one special character space. * Reduced control character space from 60 to 32. * The first sample entry's URL now points to the KeePass website. * Improved key transformation delay calculation. * Improved key file loading performance. * The main menu now isn't a tab stop anymore. * Some configuration nodes are now allocated only on demand. * Improved UI update when moving/copying entries to the currently active group or a subgroup of it using drag&drop. * Improved behavior when closing an inactive database having unsaved changes. * Changed versioning scheme in file version information blocks from digit- to component-based. * Development snapshots don't ask anymore whether to enable the automatic update check (only stable releases do). * Improved [PLGX]( cache directory naming. * The PLGX cache directory by default is now located in the local application data folder instead of the roaming one. * Improved support for PLGX plugins that are using LINQ. * Various UI improvements. * Various code optimizations. * Minor other improvements. # Bugfixes: * Fixed sorting of items in the most recently used files list. * Fixed tab order in the 'Advanced' tab of the entry editing dialog.
- Build/KeePassLibSD_Distrib/KeePassLibSD.dll 0 additions, 0 deletionsBuild/KeePassLibSD_Distrib/KeePassLibSD.dll
- Build/KeePassLib_Distrib/KeePassLib.dll 0 additions, 0 deletionsBuild/KeePassLib_Distrib/KeePassLib.dll
- Build/KeePassLib_Distrib/KeePassLib.xml 21 additions, 2 deletionsBuild/KeePassLib_Distrib/KeePassLib.xml
- Docs/Chm/default.css 13 additions, 6 deletionsDocs/Chm/default.css
- Docs/Chm/help/base/autotype.html 6 additions, 2 deletionsDocs/Chm/help/base/autotype.html
- Docs/Chm/help/base/autourl.html 0 additions, 1 deletionDocs/Chm/help/base/autourl.html
- Docs/Chm/help/base/cmdline.html 0 additions, 1 deletionDocs/Chm/help/base/cmdline.html
- Docs/Chm/help/base/configuration.html 1 addition, 2 deletionsDocs/Chm/help/base/configuration.html
- Docs/Chm/help/base/credits.html 0 additions, 1 deletionDocs/Chm/help/base/credits.html
- Docs/Chm/help/base/credits_icons_license.html 0 additions, 1 deletionDocs/Chm/help/base/credits_icons_license.html
- Docs/Chm/help/base/disclaimer.html 0 additions, 1 deletionDocs/Chm/help/base/disclaimer.html
- Docs/Chm/help/base/faq.html 0 additions, 1 deletionDocs/Chm/help/base/faq.html
- Docs/Chm/help/base/faq_tech.html 93 additions, 2 deletionsDocs/Chm/help/base/faq_tech.html
- Docs/Chm/help/base/fieldrefs.html 0 additions, 1 deletionDocs/Chm/help/base/fieldrefs.html
- Docs/Chm/help/base/firststeps.html 0 additions, 1 deletionDocs/Chm/help/base/firststeps.html
- Docs/Chm/help/base/importexport.html 10 additions, 6 deletionsDocs/Chm/help/base/importexport.html
- Docs/Chm/help/base/index.html 0 additions, 1 deletionDocs/Chm/help/base/index.html
- Docs/Chm/help/base/integration.html 0 additions, 1 deletionDocs/Chm/help/base/integration.html
- Docs/Chm/help/base/keys.html 0 additions, 1 deletionDocs/Chm/help/base/keys.html
- Docs/Chm/help/base/license_lgpl.html 0 additions, 1 deletionDocs/Chm/help/base/license_lgpl.html
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