Dominik Reichl authored
# New Features: * Added [key provider API](http://keepass.info/help/v2_dev/plg_keyprov.html) (it now is very easy to write a plugin that provides additional key methods, like locking to USB device ID, certificates, smart cards, ... see the developers section in the online KeePass help center). * Added option to show entries of sub-groups in the entry list of a group (see 'View' -> 'Show Entries of Sub-Groups'). * Added XML valid characters filter (to prevent XML document corruption by ASCII/DOS control characters). * Added context menu command to print selected entries only. * Added option to disallow repeating characters in generated passwords (both character set-based and pattern-based). * Moved [security-reducing](http://keepass.info/help/base/pwgenerator.html#secreduc) / dangerous password generator options to a separate 'Advanced' tab page (if you enable a security-reducing option, an exclamation mark (!) is appended to the 'Advanced' tab text). * Added 'Get more languages' button to the translations dialog. * Added textual cue for the quick-search edit control. * The TAN wizard now shows the name of the group into which the TANs will be imported. # Improvements / Changes: * Improved random number generator (it now additionally collects system entropy manually and hashes it with random numbers provided by the system's default CSP and a counter). * For determining the default text in the 'Override default sequence' edit box in the 'Edit Entry' window, KeePass now recursively traverses up the group tree. * Last entry list sorting mode (column, ascending / descending) is now remembered and restored. * First item in the auto-type entry selection window is now focused (allowing to immediately navigate using the keyboard). * Text in secure edit controls is now selected when the control gets the focus the first time. * For TAN entries, only a command 'Copy TAN' is now shown in the context menu, others (that don't apply) are invisible. * Regular expressions are validated before they are matched. * KeePass now checks the auto-type string for invalid entry field references before sending it. * The clipboard auto-clear information message is now shown in the status bar instead of the tray balloon tooltip. * Matching entries are shown only once in the search results list, even when multiple fields match the search text. * First item of search results is selected automatically, if no other item is already selected (selection restoration). * Entries with empty titles do not match all windows any more. * Improved high DPI support in entry window. * When having enabled the option to automatically lock the workspace after some time and saving a file fails, KeePass will prompt again after the specified amount of time instead of 1 second. * KeePass now suggests the current file name as name for new files (save as, save as copy). * The password generator profile combo box can now show more profiles in the list without scrolling. * Improved native methods exception handling (Mono). * Updated CHM documentation file. # Bugfixes: * TAN wizard now assigns correct indices to TANs after new line characters. * Copying KeePass entries to the clipboard now works together with the `CF_CLIPBOARD_VIEWER_IGNORE` clipboard format. * KeePass now uses the correct client icons image list immediately after adding a custom icon to the database. * Fixed 'generic error in GDI+' when trying to import a 16x16 icon (thanks to 'stroebele' for the patch). * File close button in the toolbar (multiple files) works now. * Fixed minor problem in provider registration of cipher pool.
Dominik Reichl authored# New Features: * Added [key provider API](http://keepass.info/help/v2_dev/plg_keyprov.html) (it now is very easy to write a plugin that provides additional key methods, like locking to USB device ID, certificates, smart cards, ... see the developers section in the online KeePass help center). * Added option to show entries of sub-groups in the entry list of a group (see 'View' -> 'Show Entries of Sub-Groups'). * Added XML valid characters filter (to prevent XML document corruption by ASCII/DOS control characters). * Added context menu command to print selected entries only. * Added option to disallow repeating characters in generated passwords (both character set-based and pattern-based). * Moved [security-reducing](http://keepass.info/help/base/pwgenerator.html#secreduc) / dangerous password generator options to a separate 'Advanced' tab page (if you enable a security-reducing option, an exclamation mark (!) is appended to the 'Advanced' tab text). * Added 'Get more languages' button to the translations dialog. * Added textual cue for the quick-search edit control. * The TAN wizard now shows the name of the group into which the TANs will be imported. # Improvements / Changes: * Improved random number generator (it now additionally collects system entropy manually and hashes it with random numbers provided by the system's default CSP and a counter). * For determining the default text in the 'Override default sequence' edit box in the 'Edit Entry' window, KeePass now recursively traverses up the group tree. * Last entry list sorting mode (column, ascending / descending) is now remembered and restored. * First item in the auto-type entry selection window is now focused (allowing to immediately navigate using the keyboard). * Text in secure edit controls is now selected when the control gets the focus the first time. * For TAN entries, only a command 'Copy TAN' is now shown in the context menu, others (that don't apply) are invisible. * Regular expressions are validated before they are matched. * KeePass now checks the auto-type string for invalid entry field references before sending it. * The clipboard auto-clear information message is now shown in the status bar instead of the tray balloon tooltip. * Matching entries are shown only once in the search results list, even when multiple fields match the search text. * First item of search results is selected automatically, if no other item is already selected (selection restoration). * Entries with empty titles do not match all windows any more. * Improved high DPI support in entry window. * When having enabled the option to automatically lock the workspace after some time and saving a file fails, KeePass will prompt again after the specified amount of time instead of 1 second. * KeePass now suggests the current file name as name for new files (save as, save as copy). * The password generator profile combo box can now show more profiles in the list without scrolling. * Improved native methods exception handling (Mono). * Updated CHM documentation file. # Bugfixes: * TAN wizard now assigns correct indices to TANs after new line characters. * Copying KeePass entries to the clipboard now works together with the `CF_CLIPBOARD_VIEWER_IGNORE` clipboard format. * KeePass now uses the correct client icons image list immediately after adding a custom icon to the database. * Fixed 'generic error in GDI+' when trying to import a 16x16 icon (thanks to 'stroebele' for the patch). * File close button in the toolbar (multiple files) works now. * Fixed minor problem in provider registration of cipher pool.