diff --git a/docs/system/arm/aspeed.rst b/docs/system/arm/aspeed.rst
index 690bada7842be2f054035e345fbd2def5463349e..8972aa3f7bbe5f93e09ab1510edd509d956c2ed9 100644
--- a/docs/system/arm/aspeed.rst
+++ b/docs/system/arm/aspeed.rst
@@ -72,18 +72,22 @@ Missing devices
 Boot options
-The Aspeed machines can be started using the -kernel option to load a
-Linux kernel or from a firmware image which can be downloaded from the
-OpenPOWER jenkins :
+The Aspeed machines can be started using the ``-kernel`` option to
+load a Linux kernel or from a firmware. Images can be downloaded from
+the OpenBMC jenkins :
-   https://openpower.xyz/
+   https://jenkins.openbmc.org/job/ci-openbmc/lastSuccessfulBuild/distro=ubuntu,label=docker-builder
+or directly from the OpenBMC GitHub release repository :
+   https://github.com/openbmc/openbmc/releases
 The image should be attached as an MTD drive. Run :
 .. code-block:: bash
   $ qemu-system-arm -M romulus-bmc -nic user \
-	-drive file=flash-romulus,format=raw,if=mtd -nographic
+	-drive file=obmc-phosphor-image-romulus.static.mtd,format=raw,if=mtd -nographic
 Options specific to Aspeed machines are :