diff --git a/include/qapi/error.h b/include/qapi/error.h
index 2c189abb04b72ca4ab760ee5041ae2fc7f270b79..85df875a3aaea7261866ab787e992b17e48c5640 100644
--- a/include/qapi/error.h
+++ b/include/qapi/error.h
@@ -30,6 +30,10 @@
  *   job.  Since the value of @errp is about handling the error, the
  *   function should not examine it.
+ * - The function may pass @errp to functions it calls to pass on
+ *   their errors to its caller.  If it dereferences @errp to check
+ *   for errors, it must use ERRP_GUARD().
+ *
  * - On success, the function should not touch *errp.  On failure, it
  *   should set a new error, e.g. with error_setg(errp, ...), or
  *   propagate an existing one, e.g. with error_propagate(errp, ...).
@@ -45,15 +49,17 @@
  * = Creating errors =
  * Create an error:
- *     error_setg(&err, "situation normal, all fouled up");
+ *     error_setg(errp, "situation normal, all fouled up");
+ * where @errp points to the location to receive the error.
  * Create an error and add additional explanation:
- *     error_setg(&err, "invalid quark");
- *     error_append_hint(&err, "Valid quarks are up, down, strange, "
+ *     error_setg(errp, "invalid quark");
+ *     error_append_hint(errp, "Valid quarks are up, down, strange, "
  *                       "charm, top, bottom.\n");
+ * This may require use of ERRP_GUARD(); more on that below.
  * Do *not* contract this to
- *     error_setg(&err, "invalid quark\n" // WRONG!
+ *     error_setg(errp, "invalid quark\n" // WRONG!
  *                "Valid quarks are up, down, strange, charm, top, bottom.");
  * = Reporting and destroying errors =
@@ -107,18 +113,6 @@
  * Errors get passed to the caller through the conventional @errp
  * parameter.
- * Pass an existing error to the caller:
- *     error_propagate(errp, err);
- * where Error **errp is a parameter, by convention the last one.
- *
- * Pass an existing error to the caller with the message modified:
- *     error_propagate_prepend(errp, err,
- *                             "Could not frobnicate '%s': ", name);
- * This is more concise than
- *     error_propagate(errp, err); // don't do this
- *     error_prepend(errp, "Could not frobnicate '%s': ", name);
- * and works even when @errp is &error_fatal.
- *
  * Create a new error and pass it to the caller:
  *     error_setg(errp, "situation normal, all fouled up");
@@ -129,18 +123,26 @@
  *         handle the error...
  *     }
  * - when it does not, say because it is a void function:
+ *     ERRP_GUARD();
+ *     foo(arg, errp);
+ *     if (*errp) {
+ *         handle the error...
+ *     }
+ * More on ERRP_GUARD() below.
+ *
+ * Code predating ERRP_GUARD() still exists, and looks like this:
  *     Error *err = NULL;
  *     foo(arg, &err);
  *     if (err) {
  *         handle the error...
- *         error_propagate(errp, err);
+ *         error_propagate(errp, err); // deprecated
  *     }
- * Do *not* "optimize" this to
+ * Avoid in new code.  Do *not* "optimize" it to
  *     foo(arg, errp);
  *     if (*errp) { // WRONG!
  *         handle the error...
  *     }
- * because errp may be NULL!
+ * because errp may be NULL without the ERRP_GUARD() guard.
  * But when all you do with the error is pass it on, please use
  *     foo(arg, errp);
@@ -160,6 +162,19 @@
  *         handle the error...
  *     }
+ * Pass an existing error to the caller:
+ *     error_propagate(errp, err);
+ * This is rarely needed.  When @err is a local variable, use of
+ * ERRP_GUARD() commonly results in more readable code.
+ *
+ * Pass an existing error to the caller with the message modified:
+ *     error_propagate_prepend(errp, err,
+ *                             "Could not frobnicate '%s': ", name);
+ * This is more concise than
+ *     error_propagate(errp, err); // don't do this
+ *     error_prepend(errp, "Could not frobnicate '%s': ", name);
+ * and works even when @errp is &error_fatal.
+ *
  * Receive and accumulate multiple errors (first one wins):
  *     Error *err = NULL, *local_err = NULL;
  *     foo(arg, &err);
@@ -187,6 +202,69 @@
  *         error_setg(&err, ...); // WRONG!
  *     }
  * because this may pass a non-null err to error_setg().
+ *
+ * = Why, when and how to use ERRP_GUARD() =
+ *
+ * Without ERRP_GUARD(), use of the @errp parameter is restricted:
+ * - It must not be dereferenced, because it may be null.
+ * - It should not be passed to error_prepend() or
+ *   error_append_hint(), because that doesn't work with &error_fatal.
+ * ERRP_GUARD() lifts these restrictions.
+ *
+ * To use ERRP_GUARD(), add it right at the beginning of the function.
+ * @errp can then be used without worrying about the argument being
+ * NULL or &error_fatal.
+ *
+ * Using it when it's not needed is safe, but please avoid cluttering
+ * the source with useless code.
+ *
+ * = Converting to ERRP_GUARD() =
+ *
+ * To convert a function to use ERRP_GUARD():
+ *
+ * 0. If the Error ** parameter is not named @errp, rename it to
+ *    @errp.
+ *
+ * 1. Add an ERRP_GUARD() invocation, by convention right at the
+ *    beginning of the function.  This makes @errp safe to use.
+ *
+ * 2. Replace &err by errp, and err by *errp.  Delete local variable
+ *    @err.
+ *
+ * 3. Delete error_propagate(errp, *errp), replace
+ *    error_propagate_prepend(errp, *errp, ...) by error_prepend(errp, ...)
+ *
+ * 4. Ensure @errp is valid at return: when you destroy *errp, set
+ *    errp = NULL.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ *     bool fn(..., Error **errp)
+ *     {
+ *         Error *err = NULL;
+ *
+ *         foo(arg, &err);
+ *         if (err) {
+ *             handle the error...
+ *             error_propagate(errp, err);
+ *             return false;
+ *         }
+ *         ...
+ *     }
+ *
+ * becomes
+ *
+ *     bool fn(..., Error **errp)
+ *     {
+ *         ERRP_GUARD();
+ *
+ *         foo(arg, errp);
+ *         if (*errp) {
+ *             handle the error...
+ *             return false;
+ *         }
+ *         ...
+ *     }
 #ifndef ERROR_H
@@ -287,6 +365,7 @@ void error_setg_win32_internal(Error **errp,
  * the error object.
  * Else, move the error object from @local_err to *@dst_errp.
  * On return, @local_err is invalid.
+ * Please use ERRP_GUARD() instead when possible.
  * Please don't error_propagate(&error_fatal, ...), use
  * error_report_err() and exit(), because that's more obvious.
@@ -298,6 +377,7 @@ void error_propagate(Error **dst_errp, Error *local_err);
  * Behaves like
  *     error_prepend(&local_err, fmt, ...);
  *     error_propagate(dst_errp, local_err);
+ * Please use ERRP_GUARD() and error_prepend() instead when possible.
 void error_propagate_prepend(Error **dst_errp, Error *local_err,
                              const char *fmt, ...);
@@ -395,6 +475,46 @@ void error_set_internal(Error **errp,
                         ErrorClass err_class, const char *fmt, ...)
     GCC_FMT_ATTR(6, 7);
+ * Make @errp parameter easier to use regardless of argument value
+ *
+ * This macro is for use right at the beginning of a function that
+ * takes an Error **errp parameter to pass errors to its caller.  The
+ * parameter must be named @errp.
+ *
+ * It must be used when the function dereferences @errp or passes
+ * @errp to error_prepend(), error_vprepend(), or error_append_hint().
+ * It is safe to use even when it's not needed, but please avoid
+ * cluttering the source with useless code.
+ *
+ * If @errp is NULL or &error_fatal, rewrite it to point to a local
+ * Error variable, which will be automatically propagated to the
+ * original @errp on function exit.
+ *
+ * Note: &error_abort is not rewritten, because that would move the
+ * abort from the place where the error is created to the place where
+ * it's propagated.
+ */
+#define ERRP_GUARD()                                            \
+    g_auto(ErrorPropagator) _auto_errp_prop = {.errp = errp};   \
+    do {                                                        \
+        if (!errp || errp == &error_fatal) {                    \
+            errp = &_auto_errp_prop.local_err;                  \
+        }                                                       \
+    } while (0)
+typedef struct ErrorPropagator {
+    Error *local_err;
+    Error **errp;
+} ErrorPropagator;
+static inline void error_propagator_cleanup(ErrorPropagator *prop)
+    error_propagate(prop->errp, prop->local_err);
+G_DEFINE_AUTO_CLEANUP_CLEAR_FUNC(ErrorPropagator, error_propagator_cleanup);
  * Special error destination to abort on error.
  * See error_setg() and error_propagate() for details.