diff --git a/configure b/configure
index 2c3c69f11887dfe5ee02e79f4ebe32624aef0532..8c4b5d6d9eb618edb77a0a51ef1a75d16c8362d9 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -3499,7 +3499,7 @@ if $pkg_config --atleast-version=$glib_req_ver gio-2.0; then
     # with pkg-config --static --libs data for gio-2.0 that is missing
     # -lblkid and will give a link error.
-    if compile_prog "" "gio_libs" ; then
+    if compile_prog "" "$gio_libs" ; then
@@ -6961,6 +6961,10 @@ fi
 mv $cross config-meson.cross
 rm -rf meson-private meson-info meson-logs
+unset staticpic
+if ! version_ge "$($meson --version)" 0.56.0; then
+  staticpic=$(if test "$pie" = yes; then echo true; else echo false; fi)
 NINJA=$ninja $meson setup \
         --prefix "$prefix" \
         --libdir "$libdir" \
@@ -6980,7 +6984,7 @@ NINJA=$ninja $meson setup \
         -Dwerror=$(if test "$werror" = yes; then echo true; else echo false; fi) \
         -Dstrip=$(if test "$strip_opt" = yes; then echo true; else echo false; fi) \
         -Db_pie=$(if test "$pie" = yes; then echo true; else echo false; fi) \
-        -Db_staticpic=$(if test "$pie" = yes; then echo true; else echo false; fi) \
+        ${staticpic:+-Db_staticpic=$staticpic} \
         -Db_coverage=$(if test "$gcov" = yes; then echo true; else echo false; fi) \
         -Dmalloc=$malloc -Dmalloc_trim=$malloc_trim -Dsparse=$sparse \
         -Dkvm=$kvm -Dhax=$hax -Dwhpx=$whpx -Dhvf=$hvf \
diff --git a/contrib/vhost-user-gpu/meson.build b/contrib/vhost-user-gpu/meson.build
index 37ecca13cafb239f659f33ff0956f961e01e9867..c487ca72c1ff325ca476b93c519621d6ba5b1fd9 100644
--- a/contrib/vhost-user-gpu/meson.build
+++ b/contrib/vhost-user-gpu/meson.build
@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@ if 'CONFIG_TOOLS' in config_host and 'CONFIG_VIRGL' in config_host \
   configure_file(input: '50-qemu-gpu.json.in',
                  output: '50-qemu-gpu.json',
-                 configuration: { 'libexecdir' : get_option('libexecdir') },
+                 configuration: { 'libexecdir' : get_option('prefix') / get_option('libexecdir') },
                  install_dir: qemu_datadir / 'vhost-user')
diff --git a/docs/devel/build-system.rst b/docs/devel/build-system.rst
index 6fcf8854b7097fd7e8a504bcaf641ce26472cf6f..31f4dced2a080322b5fdf268371840e492b298c1 100644
--- a/docs/devel/build-system.rst
+++ b/docs/devel/build-system.rst
@@ -187,21 +187,23 @@ process for:
 4) other data files, such as icons or desktop files
-The source code is highly modularized, split across many files to
-facilitate building of all of these components with as little duplicated
-compilation as possible. The Meson "sourceset" functionality is used
-to list the files and their dependency on various configuration  
 All executables are built by default, except for some `contrib/`
 binaries that are known to fail to build on some platforms (for example
 32-bit or big-endian platforms).  Tests are also built by default,
 though that might change in the future.
-Various subsystems that are common to both tools and emulators have
-their own sourceset, for example `block_ss` for the block device subsystem,
-`chardev_ss` for the character device subsystem, etc.  These sourcesets
-are then turned into static libraries as follows::
+The source code is highly modularized, split across many files to
+facilitate building of all of these components with as little duplicated
+compilation as possible. Using the Meson "sourceset" functionality,
+`meson.build` files group the source files in rules that are
+enabled according to the available system libraries and to various
+configuration symbols.  Sourcesets belong to one of four groups:
+Subsystem sourcesets:
+  Various subsystems that are common to both tools and emulators have
+  their own sourceset, for example `block_ss` for the block device subsystem,
+  `chardev_ss` for the character device subsystem, etc.  These sourcesets
+  are then turned into static libraries as follows::
     libchardev = static_library('chardev', chardev_ss.sources(),
                                 name_suffix: 'fa',
@@ -209,61 +211,111 @@ are then turned into static libraries as follows::
     chardev = declare_dependency(link_whole: libchardev)
-As of Meson 0.55.1, the special `.fa` suffix should be used for everything
-that is used with `link_whole`, to ensure that the link flags are placed
-correctly in the command line.
-Files linked into emulator targets there can be split into two distinct groups
-of files, those which are independent of the QEMU emulation target and
-those which are dependent on the QEMU emulation target.
-In the target-independent set lives various general purpose helper code,
-such as error handling infrastructure, standard data structures,
-platform portability wrapper functions, etc. This code can be compiled
-once only and the .o files linked into all output binaries.
-Target-independent code lives in the `common_ss`, `softmmu_ss` and
-`user_ss` sourcesets.  `common_ss` is linked into all emulators, `softmmu_ss`
-only in system emulators, `user_ss` only in user-mode emulators.
-In the target-dependent set lives CPU emulation, device emulation and
-much glue code. This sometimes also has to be compiled multiple times,
-once for each target being built.  Target-dependent files are included
-in the `specific_ss` sourceset.
-All binaries link with a static library `libqemuutil.a`, which is then
-linked to all the binaries.  `libqemuutil.a` is built from several
-sourcesets; most of them however host generated code, and the only two
-of general interest are `util_ss` and `stub_ss`.
-The separation between these two is purely for documentation purposes.
-`util_ss` contains generic utility files.  Even though this code is only
-linked in some binaries, sometimes it requires hooks only in some of
-these and depend on other functions that are not fully implemented by
-all QEMU binaries.  `stub_ss` links dummy stubs that will only be linked
-into the binary if the real implementation is not present.  In a way,
-the stubs can be thought of as a portable implementation of the weak
-symbols concept.
+  As of Meson 0.55.1, the special `.fa` suffix should be used for everything
+  that is used with `link_whole`, to ensure that the link flags are placed
+  correctly in the command line.
+Target-independent emulator sourcesets:
+  Various general purpose helper code is compiled only once and
+  the .o files are linked into all output binaries that need it.
+  This includes error handling infrastructure, standard data structures,
+  platform portability wrapper functions, etc.
+  Target-independent code lives in the `common_ss`, `softmmu_ss` and
+  `user_ss` sourcesets.  `common_ss` is linked into all emulators,
+  `softmmu_ss` only in system emulators, `user_ss` only in user-mode
+  emulators.
+  Target-independent sourcesets must exercise particular care when using
+  `if_false` rules.  The `if_false` rule will be used correctly when linking
+  emulator binaries; however, when *compiling* target-independent files
+  into .o files, Meson may need to pick *both* the `if_true` and
+  `if_false` sides to cater for targets that want either side.  To
+  achieve that, you can add a special rule using the ``CONFIG_ALL``
+  symbol::
+    # Some targets have CONFIG_ACPI, some don't, so this is not enough
+    softmmu_ss.add(when: 'CONFIG_ACPI`, if_true: files('acpi.c'),
+                                        if_false: files('acpi-stub.c'))
+    # This is required as well:
+    softmmu_ss.add(when: 'CONFIG_ALL`, if_true: files('acpi-stub.c'))
+Target-dependent emulator sourcesets:
+  In the target-dependent set lives CPU emulation, some device emulation and
+  much glue code. This sometimes also has to be compiled multiple times,
+  once for each target being built.  Target-dependent files are included
+  in the `specific_ss` sourceset.
+  Each emulator also includes sources for files in the `hw/` and `target/`
+  subdirectories.  The subdirectory used for each emulator comes
+  from the target's definition of ``TARGET_BASE_ARCH`` or (if missing)
+  ``TARGET_ARCH``, as found in `default-configs/targets/*.mak`.
+  Each subdirectory in `hw/` adds one sourceset to the `hw_arch` dictionary,
+  for example::
+    arm_ss = ss.source_set()
+    arm_ss.add(files('boot.c'), fdt)
+    ...
+    hw_arch += {'arm': arm_ss}
+  The sourceset is only used for system emulators.
+  Each subdirectory in `target/` instead should add one sourceset to each
+  of the `target_arch` and `target_softmmu_arch`, which are used respectively
+  for all emulators and for system emulators only.  For example::
+    arm_ss = ss.source_set()
+    arm_softmmu_ss = ss.source_set()
+    ...
+    target_arch += {'arm': arm_ss}
+    target_softmmu_arch += {'arm': arm_softmmu_ss}
+Utility sourcesets:
+  All binaries link with a static library `libqemuutil.a`.  This library
+  is built from several sourcesets; most of them however host generated
+  code, and the only two of general interest are `util_ss` and `stub_ss`.
+  The separation between these two is purely for documentation purposes.
+  `util_ss` contains generic utility files.  Even though this code is only
+  linked in some binaries, sometimes it requires hooks only in some of
+  these and depend on other functions that are not fully implemented by
+  all QEMU binaries.  `stub_ss` links dummy stubs that will only be linked
+  into the binary if the real implementation is not present.  In a way,
+  the stubs can be thought of as a portable implementation of the weak
+  symbols concept.
 The following files concur in the definition of which files are linked
 into each emulator:
-  The files under default-configs/ control what emulated hardware is built
-  into each QEMU system and userspace emulator targets. They merely contain
-  a list of config variable definitions like the machines that should be
-  included. For example, default-configs/aarch64-softmmu.mak has::
+  The files under `default-configs/devices/` control the boards and devices
+  that are built into each QEMU system emulation targets. They merely contain
+  a list of config variable definitions such as::
     include arm-softmmu.mak
-  These files are processed together with `default-configs/*.mak` and
+  These files are processed together with `default-configs/devices/*.mak` and
   describe the dependencies between various features, subsystems and
-  device models.  They are described in kconfig.rst.
+  device models.  They are described in :ref:`kconfig`
+  These files mostly define symbols that appear in the `*-config-target.h`
+  file for each emulator [#cfgtarget]_.  However, the ``TARGET_ARCH``
+  and ``TARGET_BASE_ARCH`` will also be used to select the `hw/` and
+  `target/` subdirectories that are compiled into each target.
+.. [#cfgtarget] This header is included by `qemu/osdep.h` when
+                compiling files from the target-specific sourcesets.
-These files rarely need changing unless new devices / hardware need to
-be enabled for a particular system/userspace emulation target
+These files rarely need changing unless you are adding a completely
+new target, or enabling new devices or hardware for a particular
+system/userspace emulation target
 Support scripts
diff --git a/docs/devel/kconfig.rst b/docs/devel/kconfig.rst
index e5df72b34228ffb38a937d53a157f413e6aa8c5c..336ba0e8e5a7ed594cfc204087e3583e1f5e75f0 100644
--- a/docs/devel/kconfig.rst
+++ b/docs/devel/kconfig.rst
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+.. _kconfig:
 QEMU and Kconfig
diff --git a/docs/meson.build b/docs/meson.build
index 8c222f96bb7caab395224ccd0ae33f20f80fd747..bf8204a08fa013860bfc32729f6ab6fd0556cfe6 100644
--- a/docs/meson.build
+++ b/docs/meson.build
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ if sphinx_build.found()
   build_docs = (sphinx_build_test_out.returncode() == 0)
   if not build_docs
-    warning('@0@ exists but it is either too old or uses too old a Python version'.format(get_option('sphinx_build')))
+    warning('@0@ is either too old or uses too old a Python version'
+            .format(sphinx_build.full_path()))
     if get_option('docs').enabled()
       error('Install a Python 3 version of python-sphinx')
diff --git a/hw/isa/lpc_ich9.c b/hw/isa/lpc_ich9.c
index 04e53231402bb1864923a73a0eb3576aebb588ea..087a18d04de475df3cfdb2a1158a01f795645961 100644
--- a/hw/isa/lpc_ich9.c
+++ b/hw/isa/lpc_ich9.c
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 #include "qemu/osdep.h"
+#include "qemu/log.h"
 #include "cpu.h"
 #include "qapi/visitor.h"
 #include "qemu/range.h"
@@ -312,10 +313,12 @@ void ich9_generate_smi(void)
     cpu_interrupt(first_cpu, CPU_INTERRUPT_SMI);
+/* Returns -1 on error, IRQ number on success */
 static int ich9_lpc_sci_irq(ICH9LPCState *lpc)
-    switch (lpc->d.config[ICH9_LPC_ACPI_CTRL] &
+    uint8_t sel = lpc->d.config[ICH9_LPC_ACPI_CTRL] &
+                  ICH9_LPC_ACPI_CTRL_SCI_IRQ_SEL_MASK;
+    switch (sel) {
     case ICH9_LPC_ACPI_CTRL_9:
         return 9;
     case ICH9_LPC_ACPI_CTRL_10:
@@ -328,6 +331,8 @@ static int ich9_lpc_sci_irq(ICH9LPCState *lpc)
         return 21;
         /* reserved */
+        qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR,
+                      "ICH9 LPC: SCI IRQ SEL #%u is reserved\n", sel);
     return -1;
@@ -459,7 +464,7 @@ ich9_lpc_pmbase_sci_update(ICH9LPCState *lpc)
     uint32_t pm_io_base = pci_get_long(lpc->d.config + ICH9_LPC_PMBASE);
     uint8_t acpi_cntl = pci_get_long(lpc->d.config + ICH9_LPC_ACPI_CTRL);
-    uint8_t new_gsi;
+    int new_gsi;
     if (acpi_cntl & ICH9_LPC_ACPI_CTRL_ACPI_EN) {
         pm_io_base &= ICH9_LPC_PMBASE_BASE_ADDRESS_MASK;
@@ -470,6 +475,9 @@ ich9_lpc_pmbase_sci_update(ICH9LPCState *lpc)
     ich9_pm_iospace_update(&lpc->pm, pm_io_base);
     new_gsi = ich9_lpc_sci_irq(lpc);
+    if (new_gsi == -1) {
+        return;
+    }
     if (lpc->sci_level && new_gsi != lpc->sci_gsi) {
         qemu_set_irq(lpc->pm.irq, 0);
         lpc->sci_gsi = new_gsi;
diff --git a/include/hw/i386/ich9.h b/include/hw/i386/ich9.h
index 294024be5f85da84c16076baa679285c2ede7968..d1ea000d3ddbf3138e5c5d7d1222d9f390719915 100644
--- a/include/hw/i386/ich9.h
+++ b/include/hw/i386/ich9.h
@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ struct ICH9LPCState {
 #define ICH9_LPC_PMBASE_BASE_ADDRESS_MASK       Q35_MASK(32, 15, 7)
 #define ICH9_LPC_PMBASE_RTE                     0x1
 #define ICH9_LPC_PMBASE_DEFAULT                 0x1
 #define ICH9_LPC_ACPI_CTRL                      0x44
 #define ICH9_LPC_ACPI_CTRL_ACPI_EN              0x80
 #define ICH9_LPC_ACPI_CTRL_SCI_IRQ_SEL_MASK     Q35_MASK(8, 2, 0)
diff --git a/include/qapi/util.h b/include/qapi/util.h
index bc312e90aa0c86c1df19ef683c412c56dbd16757..6178e98e97a5a31c3551e0bce8a9c72d149d8d88 100644
--- a/include/qapi/util.h
+++ b/include/qapi/util.h
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ typedef struct QEnumLookup {
 const char *qapi_enum_lookup(const QEnumLookup *lookup, int val);
 int qapi_enum_parse(const QEnumLookup *lookup, const char *buf,
                     int def, Error **errp);
+bool qapi_bool_parse(const char *name, const char *value, bool *obj,
+                     Error **errp);
 int parse_qapi_name(const char *name, bool complete);
diff --git a/include/qemu/cutils.h b/include/qemu/cutils.h
index 4bbf4834ea5c98440fa9322ce889ec03c9cadeb0..986ed8e15f41248e3802b53cab08c8a939b957d6 100644
--- a/include/qemu/cutils.h
+++ b/include/qemu/cutils.h
@@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ int qemu_pstrcmp0(const char **str1, const char **str2);
  * as the prefix.  For example, if `bindir` is `/usr/bin` and @dir is
  * `/usr/share/qemu`, the function will append `../share/qemu` to the
  * directory that contains the running executable and return the result.
+ * The returned string should be freed by the caller.
 char *get_relocated_path(const char *dir);
diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
index 39ac5cf6d8a7709d467ca7e28bf88728b2fdd238..f5175010dfad628a1426edfa94527785806f17ca 100644
--- a/meson.build
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 project('qemu', ['c'], meson_version: '>=0.55.0',
-        default_options: ['warning_level=1', 'c_std=gnu99', 'cpp_std=gnu++11',
-                          'b_colorout=auto'],
+        default_options: ['warning_level=1', 'c_std=gnu99', 'cpp_std=gnu++11', 'b_colorout=auto'] +
+                         (meson.version().version_compare('>=0.56.0') ? [ 'b_staticpic=false' ] : []),
         version: run_command('head', meson.source_root() / 'VERSION').stdout().strip())
 not_found = dependency('', required: false)
diff --git a/qapi/opts-visitor.c b/qapi/opts-visitor.c
index 7781c23a422d3d75512bcd3eb1fec795a1383bef..587f31baf6b8bd3f53c69a4d1f61979b073eb39d 100644
--- a/qapi/opts-visitor.c
+++ b/qapi/opts-visitor.c
@@ -368,7 +368,6 @@ opts_type_str(Visitor *v, const char *name, char **obj, Error **errp)
-/* mimics qemu-option.c::parse_option_bool() */
 static bool
 opts_type_bool(Visitor *v, const char *name, bool *obj, Error **errp)
@@ -379,19 +378,8 @@ opts_type_bool(Visitor *v, const char *name, bool *obj, Error **errp)
     if (!opt) {
         return false;
     if (opt->str) {
-        if (strcmp(opt->str, "on") == 0 ||
-            strcmp(opt->str, "yes") == 0 ||
-            strcmp(opt->str, "y") == 0) {
-            *obj = true;
-        } else if (strcmp(opt->str, "off") == 0 ||
-            strcmp(opt->str, "no") == 0 ||
-            strcmp(opt->str, "n") == 0) {
-            *obj = false;
-        } else {
-            error_setg(errp, QERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, opt->name,
-                       "on|yes|y|off|no|n");
+        if (!qapi_bool_parse(opt->name, opt->str, obj, errp)) {
             return false;
     } else {
diff --git a/qapi/qapi-util.c b/qapi/qapi-util.c
index 29a6c98b53882ee8df978feec1d608ecef1a9fa9..3c24bb3d4548c2f1740078dea3bf5b7cb3f5cf16 100644
--- a/qapi/qapi-util.c
+++ b/qapi/qapi-util.c
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 #include "qemu/osdep.h"
 #include "qapi/error.h"
 #include "qemu/ctype.h"
+#include "qapi/qmp/qerror.h"
 const char *qapi_enum_lookup(const QEnumLookup *lookup, int val)
@@ -40,6 +41,28 @@ int qapi_enum_parse(const QEnumLookup *lookup, const char *buf,
     return def;
+bool qapi_bool_parse(const char *name, const char *value, bool *obj, Error **errp)
+    if (g_str_equal(value, "on") ||
+        g_str_equal(value, "yes") ||
+        g_str_equal(value, "true") ||
+        g_str_equal(value, "y")) {
+        *obj = true;
+        return true;
+    }
+    if (g_str_equal(value, "off") ||
+        g_str_equal(value, "no") ||
+        g_str_equal(value, "false") ||
+        g_str_equal(value, "n")) {
+        *obj = false;
+        return true;
+    }
+    error_setg(errp, QERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, name,
+               "'on' or 'off'");
+    return false;
  * Parse a valid QAPI name from @str.
  * A valid name consists of letters, digits, hyphen and underscore.
diff --git a/qapi/qobject-input-visitor.c b/qapi/qobject-input-visitor.c
index 7b184b50a7f4f72a9a271a9c5472520f7cc9197a..23843b242e8a5cd32f5b02c0e59839f750eebc40 100644
--- a/qapi/qobject-input-visitor.c
+++ b/qapi/qobject-input-visitor.c
@@ -512,11 +512,7 @@ static bool qobject_input_type_bool_keyval(Visitor *v, const char *name,
         return false;
-    if (!strcmp(str, "on")) {
-        *obj = true;
-    } else if (!strcmp(str, "off")) {
-        *obj = false;
-    } else {
+    if (!qapi_bool_parse(name, str, obj, NULL)) {
         error_setg(errp, QERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE,
                    full_name(qiv, name), "'on' or 'off'");
         return false;
diff --git a/qapi/string-input-visitor.c b/qapi/string-input-visitor.c
index 6e53396ea3355d1b6c60fe4bdd3180c36c65265d..197139c1c0c8740ba5a08af38f93411a420bc7c4 100644
--- a/qapi/string-input-visitor.c
+++ b/qapi/string-input-visitor.c
@@ -332,22 +332,7 @@ static bool parse_type_bool(Visitor *v, const char *name, bool *obj,
     StringInputVisitor *siv = to_siv(v);
     assert(siv->lm == LM_NONE);
-    if (!strcasecmp(siv->string, "on") ||
-        !strcasecmp(siv->string, "yes") ||
-        !strcasecmp(siv->string, "true")) {
-        *obj = true;
-        return true;
-    }
-    if (!strcasecmp(siv->string, "off") ||
-        !strcasecmp(siv->string, "no") ||
-        !strcasecmp(siv->string, "false")) {
-        *obj = false;
-        return true;
-    }
-    error_setg(errp, QERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_TYPE, name ? name : "null",
-               "boolean");
-    return false;
+    return qapi_bool_parse(name ? name : "null", siv->string, obj, errp);
 static bool parse_type_str(Visitor *v, const char *name, char **obj,
diff --git a/scripts/oss-fuzz/build.sh b/scripts/oss-fuzz/build.sh
index fcae4a0c26e766d7597f653119db065518dab330..3b1c82b63d0ced930d085aeb8fce8f22f0413114 100755
--- a/scripts/oss-fuzz/build.sh
+++ b/scripts/oss-fuzz/build.sh
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ make "-j$(nproc)" qemu-fuzz-i386 V=1
 # Copy over the datadir
 cp  -r ../pc-bios/ "$DEST_DIR/pc-bios"
-cp "./qemu-fuzz-i386" "$DEST_DIR/bin/"
+cp "./qemu-fuzz-i386" "$DEST_DIR/bin/qemu-fuzz-i386.base"
 # Run the fuzzer with no arguments, to print the help-string and get the list
 # of available fuzz-targets. Copy over the qemu-fuzz-i386, naming it according
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ do
     # that are thin wrappers around this target that set the required
     # environment variables according to predefined configs.
     if [ "$target" != "generic-fuzz" ]; then
-        ln  "$DEST_DIR/bin/qemu-fuzz-i386" \
+        ln  "$DEST_DIR/bin/qemu-fuzz-i386.base" \
diff --git a/softmmu/physmem.c b/softmmu/physmem.c
index a9adedb9f827382e5224ed171d90cbe4b7107cea..0b31be29282a49e0c0597f984b09bc68d22eb6bb 100644
--- a/softmmu/physmem.c
+++ b/softmmu/physmem.c
@@ -2723,22 +2723,14 @@ static int memory_access_size(MemoryRegion *mr, unsigned l, hwaddr addr)
 static bool prepare_mmio_access(MemoryRegion *mr)
-    bool unlocked = !qemu_mutex_iothread_locked();
     bool release_lock = false;
-    if (unlocked) {
+    if (!qemu_mutex_iothread_locked()) {
-        unlocked = false;
         release_lock = true;
     if (mr->flush_coalesced_mmio) {
-        if (unlocked) {
-            qemu_mutex_lock_iothread();
-        }
-        if (unlocked) {
-            qemu_mutex_unlock_iothread();
-        }
     return release_lock;
diff --git a/softmmu/vl.c b/softmmu/vl.c
index a537a0377f5340d44bf7be3b0b1b2a93ae82b6ea..a71164494e60a1a39da128f265ba5fb49f322362 100644
--- a/softmmu/vl.c
+++ b/softmmu/vl.c
@@ -4284,9 +4284,6 @@ void qemu_init(int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
                       mon_init_func, NULL, &error_fatal);
-    /* connect semihosting console input if requested */
-    qemu_semihosting_console_init();
     if (foreach_device_config(DEV_SERIAL, serial_parse) < 0)
     if (foreach_device_config(DEV_PARALLEL, parallel_parse) < 0)
@@ -4296,6 +4293,7 @@ void qemu_init(int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
     /* now chardevs have been created we may have semihosting to connect */
+    qemu_semihosting_console_init();
     /* If no default VGA is requested, the default is "none".  */
     if (default_vga) {
diff --git a/tests/qtest/device-introspect-test.c b/tests/qtest/device-introspect-test.c
index 9f22340ee53f4c2de6052b0ca19f3290d1a03142..bbec166dbc2f1d9344c2f7b1c92cb24033b7d495 100644
--- a/tests/qtest/device-introspect-test.c
+++ b/tests/qtest/device-introspect-test.c
@@ -104,7 +104,8 @@ static QList *device_type_list(QTestState *qts, bool abstract)
 static void test_one_device(QTestState *qts, const char *type)
     QDict *resp;
-    char *help;
+    char *help, *escaped;
+    GRegex *comma;
     g_test_message("Testing device '%s'", type);
@@ -113,8 +114,13 @@ static void test_one_device(QTestState *qts, const char *type)
-    help = qtest_hmp(qts, "device_add \"%s,help\"", type);
+    comma = g_regex_new(",", 0, 0, NULL);
+    escaped = g_regex_replace_literal(comma, type, -1, 0, ",,", 0, NULL);
+    g_regex_unref(comma);
+    help = qtest_hmp(qts, "device_add \"%s,help\"", escaped);
+    g_free(escaped);
 static void test_device_intro_list(void)
diff --git a/tests/qtest/fuzz-test.c b/tests/qtest/fuzz-test.c
index 2f38bb1ec2d49e94adfeb050fecebc10f9360cce..9cb4c42bdea5cefa23473ed41b10977a94988e36 100644
--- a/tests/qtest/fuzz-test.c
+++ b/tests/qtest/fuzz-test.c
@@ -34,6 +34,19 @@ static void test_lp1878263_megasas_zero_iov_cnt(void)
+static void test_lp1878642_pci_bus_get_irq_level_assert(void)
+    QTestState *s;
+    s = qtest_init("-M pc-q35-5.0 "
+                   "-nographic -monitor none -serial none "
+                   "-d guest_errors -trace pci*");
+    qtest_outl(s, 0xcf8, 0x8400f841);
+    qtest_outl(s, 0xcfc, 0xebed205d);
+    qtest_outl(s, 0x5d02, 0xebed205d);
 int main(int argc, char **argv)
     const char *arch = qtest_get_arch();
@@ -43,6 +56,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
     if (strcmp(arch, "i386") == 0 || strcmp(arch, "x86_64") == 0) {
+        qtest_add_func("fuzz/test_lp1878642_pci_bus_get_irq_level_assert",
+                       test_lp1878642_pci_bus_get_irq_level_assert);
     return g_test_run();
diff --git a/tests/qtest/fuzz/generic_fuzz.c b/tests/qtest/fuzz/generic_fuzz.c
index a8f58648838773ec60bfc7a2cddee3a5a8dd42a7..262a963d2e6e4680496b9947ceb41ee9038f4465 100644
--- a/tests/qtest/fuzz/generic_fuzz.c
+++ b/tests/qtest/fuzz/generic_fuzz.c
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ void fuzz_dma_read_cb(size_t addr, size_t len, MemoryRegion *mr, bool is_write)
     if (dma_patterns->len == 0
         || len == 0
-        /* || mr != MACHINE(qdev_get_machine())->ram */
+        || mr != current_machine->ram
         || is_write
         || addr > current_machine->ram_size) {
@@ -229,10 +229,10 @@ void fuzz_dma_read_cb(size_t addr, size_t len, MemoryRegion *mr, bool is_write)
     address_range ar = {addr, len};
     g_array_append_val(dma_regions, ar);
     pattern p = g_array_index(dma_patterns, pattern, dma_pattern_index);
-    void *buf = pattern_alloc(p, ar.size);
+    void *buf_base = pattern_alloc(p, ar.size);
+    void *buf = buf_base;
     hwaddr l, addr1;
     MemoryRegion *mr1;
-    uint8_t *ram_ptr;
     while (len > 0) {
         l = len;
         mr1 = address_space_translate(first_cpu->as,
@@ -244,30 +244,27 @@ void fuzz_dma_read_cb(size_t addr, size_t len, MemoryRegion *mr, bool is_write)
             l = memory_access_size(mr1, l, addr1);
         } else {
             /* ROM/RAM case */
-            ram_ptr = qemu_map_ram_ptr(mr1->ram_block, addr1);
-            memcpy(ram_ptr, buf, l);
-            break;
+            if (qtest_log_enabled) {
+                /*
+                * With QTEST_LOG, use a normal, slow QTest memwrite. Prefix the log
+                * that will be written by qtest.c with a DMA tag, so we can reorder
+                * the resulting QTest trace so the DMA fills precede the last PIO/MMIO
+                * command.
+                */
+                fprintf(stderr, "[DMA] ");
+                if (double_fetch) {
+                    fprintf(stderr, "[DOUBLE-FETCH] ");
+                }
+                fflush(stderr);
+            }
+            qtest_memwrite(qts_global, addr, buf, l);
         len -= l;
         buf += l;
         addr += l;
-    if (qtest_log_enabled) {
-        /*
-         * With QTEST_LOG, use a normal, slow QTest memwrite. Prefix the log
-         * that will be written by qtest.c with a DMA tag, so we can reorder
-         * the resulting QTest trace so the DMA fills precede the last PIO/MMIO
-         * command.
-         */
-        fprintf(stderr, "[DMA] ");
-        if (double_fetch) {
-            fprintf(stderr, "[DOUBLE-FETCH] ");
-        }
-        fflush(stderr);
-    }
-    qtest_memwrite(qts_global, ar.addr, buf, ar.size);
-    g_free(buf);
+    g_free(buf_base);
     /* Increment the index of the pattern for the next DMA access */
     dma_pattern_index = (dma_pattern_index + 1) % dma_patterns->len;
@@ -301,6 +298,11 @@ static bool get_io_address(address_range *result, AddressSpace *as,
     } while (cb_info.index != index && !cb_info.found);
     *result = cb_info.result;
+    if (result->size) {
+        offset = offset % result->size;
+        result->addr += offset;
+        result->size -= offset;
+    }
     return cb_info.found;
diff --git a/tests/qtest/fuzz/qos_fuzz.c b/tests/qtest/fuzz/qos_fuzz.c
index b943577b8c9edcdc9569dd70cfe4f774ccd350d6..cee1a2a60f62f70f0f2e1535471f5954998e3c19 100644
--- a/tests/qtest/fuzz/qos_fuzz.c
+++ b/tests/qtest/fuzz/qos_fuzz.c
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ static GString *qos_build_main_args(void)
     char **path = fuzz_path_vec;
     QOSGraphNode *test_node;
-    GString *cmd_line = g_string_new(path[0]);
+    GString *cmd_line;
     void *test_arg;
     if (!path) {
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ static GString *qos_build_main_args(void)
     /* Before test */
+    cmd_line = g_string_new(path[0]);
     current_path = path;
     test_node = qos_graph_get_node(path[(g_strv_length(path) - 1)]);
     test_arg = test_node->u.test.arg;
diff --git a/tests/qtest/ivshmem-test.c b/tests/qtest/ivshmem-test.c
index d5c8b9f12853bd4d3fff15b090b2cb53b7cf53c3..dfa69424ed90ca3bcf2ec441a1fa2df7bdcdd6c2 100644
--- a/tests/qtest/ivshmem-test.c
+++ b/tests/qtest/ivshmem-test.c
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ static void setup_vm_cmd(IVState *s, const char *cmd, bool msix)
 static void setup_vm(IVState *s)
     char *cmd = g_strdup_printf("-object memory-backend-file"
-                                ",id=mb1,size=1M,share,mem-path=/dev/shm%s"
+                                ",id=mb1,size=1M,share=on,mem-path=/dev/shm%s"
                                 " -device ivshmem-plain,memdev=mb1", tmpshm);
     setup_vm_cmd(s, cmd, false);
diff --git a/tests/qtest/libqos/ahci.c b/tests/qtest/libqos/ahci.c
index 2946abc15ae2edfb7a2c33c9b19b7b2f9bec3be9..fba3e7a954ed3f62b8b907e8b85f3b5f4a1daebb 100644
--- a/tests/qtest/libqos/ahci.c
+++ b/tests/qtest/libqos/ahci.c
@@ -637,10 +637,13 @@ void ahci_exec(AHCIQState *ahci, uint8_t port,
     AHCICommand *cmd;
     int rc;
     AHCIOpts *opts;
+    uint64_t buffer_in;
     opts = g_memdup((opts_in == NULL ? &default_opts : opts_in),
+    buffer_in = opts->buffer;
     /* No guest buffer provided, create one. */
     if (opts->size && !opts->buffer) {
         opts->buffer = ahci_alloc(ahci, opts->size);
@@ -686,7 +689,7 @@ void ahci_exec(AHCIQState *ahci, uint8_t port,
         g_assert_cmpint(rc, ==, 0);
-    if (opts->buffer != opts_in->buffer) {
+    if (opts->buffer != buffer_in) {
         ahci_free(ahci, opts->buffer);
diff --git a/tests/qtest/libqtest.c b/tests/qtest/libqtest.c
index 99deff47efcbb4e56fe8564453b1063305ddd222..be0fb430ddd23cc5b0b173b35fafa3b025abd29a 100644
--- a/tests/qtest/libqtest.c
+++ b/tests/qtest/libqtest.c
@@ -110,8 +110,13 @@ static int socket_accept(int sock)
     struct timeval timeout = { .tv_sec = SOCKET_TIMEOUT,
                                .tv_usec = 0 };
-    setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (void *)&timeout,
-               sizeof(timeout));
+    if (qemu_setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO,
+                        (void *)&timeout, sizeof(timeout))) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "%s failed to set SO_RCVTIMEO: %s\n",
+                __func__, strerror(errno));
+        close(sock);
+        return -1;
+    }
     do {
         addrlen = sizeof(addr);
diff --git a/tools/virtiofsd/meson.build b/tools/virtiofsd/meson.build
index e1a4dc98d9ec311478428941cac0180e7518bcb1..17edecf55c0aee51b2b3327fd62389ea15df2644 100644
--- a/tools/virtiofsd/meson.build
+++ b/tools/virtiofsd/meson.build
@@ -15,5 +15,5 @@ executable('virtiofsd', files(
 configure_file(input: '50-qemu-virtiofsd.json.in',
                output: '50-qemu-virtiofsd.json',
-               configuration: { 'libexecdir' : get_option('libexecdir') },
+               configuration: { 'libexecdir' : get_option('prefix') / get_option('libexecdir') },
                install_dir: qemu_datadir / 'vhost-user')
diff --git a/util/cutils.c b/util/cutils.c
index c395974fab432e28c4089c4d095781ea5e70dacb..9498e28e1a259546e01e9e60d459915213a16011 100644
--- a/util/cutils.c
+++ b/util/cutils.c
@@ -937,7 +937,7 @@ char *get_relocated_path(const char *dir)
     /* Fail if qemu_init_exec_dir was not called.  */
     if (!starts_with_prefix(dir) || !starts_with_prefix(bindir)) {
-        return strdup(dir);
+        return g_strdup(dir);
     result = g_string_new(exec_dir);
diff --git a/util/qemu-option.c b/util/qemu-option.c
index b9f93a7f8b8b17cf5c69da392b36d5a52d270e76..acefbc23fa3c16baefc584ed6a531043f252ff25 100644
--- a/util/qemu-option.c
+++ b/util/qemu-option.c
@@ -96,21 +96,6 @@ const char *get_opt_value(const char *p, char **value)
     return offset;
-static bool parse_option_bool(const char *name, const char *value, bool *ret,
-                              Error **errp)
-    if (!strcmp(value, "on")) {
-        *ret = 1;
-    } else if (!strcmp(value, "off")) {
-        *ret = 0;
-    } else {
-        error_setg(errp, QERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE,
-                   name, "'on' or 'off'");
-        return false;
-    }
-    return true;
 static bool parse_option_number(const char *name, const char *value,
                                 uint64_t *ret, Error **errp)
@@ -363,7 +348,7 @@ static bool qemu_opt_get_bool_helper(QemuOpts *opts, const char *name,
     if (opt == NULL) {
         def_val = find_default_by_name(opts, name);
         if (def_val) {
-            parse_option_bool(name, def_val, &ret, &error_abort);
+            qapi_bool_parse(name, def_val, &ret, &error_abort);
         return ret;
@@ -471,8 +456,7 @@ static bool qemu_opt_parse(QemuOpt *opt, Error **errp)
         /* nothing */
         return true;
     case QEMU_OPT_BOOL:
-        return parse_option_bool(opt->name, opt->str, &opt->value.boolean,
-                                 errp);
+        return qapi_bool_parse(opt->name, opt->str, &opt->value.boolean, errp);
     case QEMU_OPT_NUMBER:
         return parse_option_number(opt->name, opt->str, &opt->value.uint,